On Saturday, November 2nd, an update will be posted to all SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the changes listed below:
1. The IEP Snapshot will finalize as a separate document each time you finalize an IEP.
(Source: Jennifer Clausen, Owatonna Public Schools #40609)
1. “Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development – 4th Edition” and “Preschool Language Assessment Instrument – 2nd Edition” have both been added for use.
(Source: Gary Lewis, SpEd Forms #40536/40686)
Other Forms
1. In May 2019, the MN legislature amended statutes pertaining to the Prior Written Notice and Parental Consent forms. The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) then convened a workgroup to address the statutory changes. In October, MDE posted a new Prior Written Notice Model Form and a new Consent/Objection Model Form. Our forms have been updated accordingly.
(Source: Diane McCarron, SpEd Forms #40611)
2. The MARSS transportation code drop down has been removed from the ESY Services form as it is not needed here.
(Kim Huether, Brainerd School District #39983)
System Changes
1. The character limit for custom drop downs has been increased from 250 to 500 characters.
(Source: Heather Guzik, Rush City School District #39935)
2. Teacher’s history upload limit has increased from 5 to 10Mb.
(Kim Huether, Brainerd School District #40493)
1. Our login page has a fresh face! As of the November 2nd update, your login page will be sleeker, cleaner, and feature our new logo.
2. On January 4th, 2020 the Calendar button on the Main Menu will be eliminated due to infrequent use.