MN July Update

On Saturday, July 10th 2021, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the changes listed below:


1. The draft watermark has been enlarged and made diagonal across the draft copy of the IEP for clarity.

(Requested by: Beth Fechtelkotter, Superior School District #46400)

2. “The student was informed on” date will now be editable on Transitions Services page 2.

(Requested by: Mary Margaret Mathers, Freshwater Education District #46968)


1.  “Students that gained eligibility” and “Students that lost eligibility” reports have been added to the Admin MA Forms reporting menu. These will list students that either gained or lost eligibility from the prior import.

(Source: Tonia Czech, SpEd Forms #DE-1555)

1. Updated MA log deletion permission wording and info message.

(Requested by: Tonia Czech, SpEd Forms #DE-1639)

2. The new role types of Building MA Provider and District MA Provider have been updated to remove some admin extended permissions and add other individualized MA permissions.

(Requested by: Shannon Proulx, Esko School District #43083)

3. The password policy message has been updated for clarity.
(Requested by: Diane McCarron, SpEd Forms #47150)

4. Dropdown #24 has been renamed to “Instructional Setting” to be consistent with MARSS. All fields that use this dropdown across the system will also be labeled as “Instructional Setting”.
(Requested by: Lisa Backer, SpEd Forms #47161)

5. In order to continue improving the program we are updating many old menus into a more modern programming language. This month, we’ve updated the MA Forms menu, Admin SpEd Forms reporting, Admin quick reports, 

(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-1585, #DE-1586, #DE-1590)


1. Folders and headings were added to Shared Files.

(Requested by: Katie Mikla, Hastings Public School #46124)