SpEd Forms: New ECSE Membership functionality

SpEd Forms: New ECSE Membership functionality


Greetings! Many of you have submitted questions about the new ECSE membership functionality since its release as part of our August enhancement. In response, SpEd Forms will provide a free training session on September 5th at 9am. Find out more and register at:


Lighten the ESCE workload


SpEd Forms will post a recording of this session to YouTube for those unable to attend.


We have also developed preliminary guidance for those wishing to put the enhancements to work immediately. The guidance can be downloaded and shared. It can be found here:


Documenting and calculating membership, attendance and special education service hours for ESCE


We are really excited about these changes! Please share with your ECSE staff!

SpEd Forms: Lighten the ECSE workload: new strategy for membership, attendance and special education service hours

SpEd Forms: Lighten the ECSE workload: new strategy for membership, attendance and special education service hours


With our August update, SpEd Forms released a coordinated package of enhancements that will greatly reduce the workload of preschool service providers by eliminating the use of attendance logs for most students. We have developed a training session to show you how this works! Please join us on Thursday, September 5th, from 9 to 10am to learn how to implement this new functionality in your district. You can sign up for this session, along with any of our other available free, back-to-school opportunities here:


Back-to-School Training Registration


No worries if you cannot join on the 5th! We’ll be recording and sharing this training on our YouTube channel for you to watch at your convenience.


Happy August, educators!

SpEd Forms: Thursdays at Three – summer send-off

SpEd Forms: Thursdays at Three –  summer send-off

You’re invited! Take advantage of our summer send-off event this Thursday! All staff will be available to answer your questions and listen to your suggestions. This will be the last Thursdays at Three session until we reconvene in August. Join us using this link: 

Summer send-off

Have you had a chance to check out all of our available free training sessions scheduled for this fall? Click here to learn more:

Sign up here to reserve a spot in our Back-to-School trainings!

We hope to see many of you tomorro at 3pm!

SpEd Forms: Thursdays at Three – Getting ready for DHS annual reporting and MA PCA care plans

SpEd Forms: Thursdays at Three –  Getting ready for DHS annual reporting and MA PCA care plans

Third Party Reimbursement Coordinators- Are you ready to submit your annual rates to DHS on July 5th? Join us to learn about the SpEd Forms reports you can use to ensure accurate time and data encounters. In addition to discussing annual rates, we’ll also review our PCA care plans. The Google Meet link can be found on our support page here:

Thursdays at Three

Just a friendly reminder that we will be providing various back-to-school virtual training sessions this fall. These are open to all districts and are free of charge. You can find more details, dates and times on the registration form:

Back-to-School Training Registration

We hope to see many of you tomorrow.

SpEd Forms: Back-to-School Training

SpEd Forms: Back-to-School Training

Happy Tuesday, educators! We have an exciting announcement! SpEd Forms will again be offering a variety of back-to-school training sessions this fall. These trainings are open to all, are entirely free of charge, and are meant to ease everyone’s use of the program! 

A staff member from SpEd Forms will conduct each training for a specific audience. All will be held virtually using Google Meet, and one session of each will be recorded for later viewing on our YouTube channel. You can find further details, dates and times along with the registration form online here:

Back-to-School Training Registration

Again, there is no cost to you for these specific sessions. We encourage cooperatives and districts to meet in groups if at all possible and register as one so we can have room for everyone wishing to attend. Registration is mandatory. If you are not ready to sign up today, that’s okay! We will send out reminders throughout the summer and fall as we understand staffing may change. 

With summer just around the corner, we’re rooting for you as this school year wraps up!

SpEd Forms: Thursdays at Three – Part C processes, Part 2

SpEd Forms: Thursdays at Three –  Part C processes, Part 2

Just for Part C Service Coordinators! Join us tomorrow, May 9th at 3pm, for part II of service coordination! We will review tips on IFSP development, periodic review, transition activities and communication. You can find the Google Meet information, as well as upcoming topics, on our website’s support page: 

Google meeting link and more

Don’t forget that we now record our Thursdays at Three sessions! Each session is uploaded to our YouTube channel and added to the “Thursdays at Three” playlist, which you can find here:

Thursdays at Three YouTube playlist

Part C Service Coordinators: we hope to see many of you tomorrow!

SpEd Forms: Thursdays at Three – End of the year activities

SpEd Forms: Thursdays at Three –  End of the year activities

SpEd Forms invites you to collaborate with us in updating our list of end-of-year activities for EC and K-12 in this week’s Thursdays at Three meeting. Let’s discuss the tasks you usually perform at this time, as well as those that can assist you in preparing for the next academic year. We’ll cover topics such as COSF changes, SpEd Forms reports and processes, and how to streamline your to-do list. You’ll also discover helpful tools in SpEd Forms that can simplify your end-of-year responsibilities and set you up for success in the coming school year. Click on the meeting link below to join us on Thursday, April 25th at 3pm:


Google meeting link


For all upcoming topics and other valuable resources, check out the support page of our website here:


SpEd Forms support


Don’t forget that we now record every Thursdays at Three session. You can find those recordings on YouTube:


YouTube channel


Though we start at 3pm, you are free to hop on and join us anytime between 3-4pm as we know the end of the school day can be busy. We hope to see MANY of your smiling faces tomorrow!

SpEd Forms: Thursdays at Three – district specific templates and goals

SpEd Forms: Thursdays at Three –  district specific templates and goals

Do you want to learn how to create evaluation reports, templates and goals that are specific to your cooperative or district? Do you know you can list the tests from the Eval/Reeval Plan PWN directly into the ER? Do you want those templates to be customized with the student’s first or preferred name automatically? Join us tomorrow, April 11th, at 3pm to have these questions answered! Or, if you do know the answer, share how your district has put the custom form options to use. Join us using this link:

Google meeting link

We hope to see you for Thursdays at Three this week!

SpEd Forms: Thursdays at Three – April update preview

SpEd Forms: Thursdays at Three –  April update preview


Don’t miss out on the opportunity to get an exclusive sneak peek of the exciting updates that will be added this weekend. Join us tomorrow, April 4th, and be among the first to see what’s new and improved. You can access the Google Meet details and upcoming topics from our website’s support page here:



Thursdays at Three link and more



We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

SpEd Forms: Training reminder

SpEd Forms: Training reminder


Hello educators! We wanted to remind you that SpEd Forms is offering several spring training sessions. All sessions will be virtual via Google Meet and are free of charge to everyone. Dates and times, along with the registration form, are online here:



Spring training registration form



We hope you are staying warm and safe and are able to enjoy some time off this week!