WI July Updates

On Saturday, July 9th 2022, an update will be posted to all Wisconsin SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following changes:

1. I-4.1.1 Information About the Student, Present Levels, I-4.1.2 Special Factors, Parent Concerns, I-4.1.3 Effects of Disability, Needs and I-4.4 A Supplementary Aids and Services have been updated according to recent DPI updates.

(Requested by: Diane McCarron, SpEd Forms #DE-2632, #DE-2636, #DE-2637, #DE-2638)

Other Forms
1. The Existing Data Review to Determine if Additional Assessments or Evaluation Materials are Needed (ED-1), Determination and Notice of Placement: Consent for Initial Placement (P-1), and Notice of Reevaluation (RE-1) have been updated according to recent updates from DPI.

(Requested by: Diane McCarron, SpEd Forms #DE-2629, #DE-2630, #DE-2641)

MA Forms
1. The extended permission to Hide “Student setup” has been added to all administrator and MA provider user roles.
(Kendra Krasin, South Washington County Schools #49761)

1. “Amended” has been added to the Individualized Education Plan on the History page when an IEP is amended and placed into history.

(Requested by: Marla Pierskalla, St Cloud Area School District #49109)

1. “504 Teacher” has been changed to “GenEd Staff” in the educator setup’s Role description and in the quick reports Educator list and Educator list (no active users).

(Requested by: Mark Oehrlein, SpEd Forms #DE-2604)
2. Version 2.0 left bar menu has been reordered and “IEP manager” label has been changed to “Plan manager”.

(Requested by: Mark Oehrlein, SpEd Forms #DE-2617)
3. The Behavior Intervention Plan and the Positive Behavior Support Plan have been converted to version 2.0.
(Requested by: Mark Oehrlein, SpEd Forms #DE-2652 and #DE-2653)


To further protect you and your data, we will no longer allow Microsoft Office documents, including Word and Excel documents, to be uploaded to a student’s history or in a support request.  Office documents can contain macros that can spread viruses and other malware.  We took this step to prevent the spread of viruses and malware and protect you and all our customers.