====== Managing MARSS instructional calendars ====== Administrators only {{youtube>DY3w-wMemBA?large}} * It is important to set up accurate MARSS instructional calendars. Accurate calendars are needed to correctly calculate service time. * Create a good baseline calendar for one school and grade. Then use the Copy tool to copy the baseline calendar to other schools and grades. - Navigate to the main Administration menu. - Click on "Reporting".{{ :marss_instructional_days_new2015.png?nolink|}} - Click the "GenEd Forms" tab. - Click "Instructional days". - Select a district. - Select a school. - Select a grade level. - Select a month. - Select a year - Click the "Enter Instructional Days" button. ===== How to set up the calendar: ===== * The calendar always stays in the current calendar year. To go from December of any year to January of the next year, do a new search. * Weekends, holidays and non-student contact days (i.e., parent-teacher conferences, teacher in-service, work shops, etc.) should be marked as "Non instructional days." - Put a check in the "Instructional day" column for each student contact day. - Put a check in the "Non instructional day" column when all or part of the day is used for parent-teacher conferences, teacher in-service workshops or any other staff development activities. - Click the "Save" button. - Continue defining the calendar for each month using the links at the top of the page to navigate through the calendar. {{ :marss_calendar_new2015.png?nolink|}} For more information from the Minnesota Department of Education website, go to: [[http://education.state.mn.us/mdeprod/idcplg?IdcService=GET_FILE&dDocName=MDE059971&RevisionSelectionMethod=latestReleased&Rendition=primary|"INSTRUCTIONAL DAYS"]]. Non-instructional days are also covered in brief in this guide.