====== How do I use the "Services" report? ======
If the reports are sorted by "IEP Manager" then page breaks will be inserted between every team member when printed.
You may use the "Order by" drop down menu to sort your report by specific fields.
To save the report as a csv file for use in a spreadsheet such as Excel, click [Save to File] at the top of the report.
- From your "Administration Menu" click "Reporting", or use the "Go to..." drop down menu and select "Admin Reporting".
- When the Reports menu appears, there are two selections at the top, "Searchable" and "Quick". This report is a "Searchable" report.
- Click "Services" to run this report.
- Enter your search criteria.
- Click "Search".
The "Services Report" will give you the following results:
* Student ID (MARSS #)
* Case Manager
* Student Name (Last/First)
* Grade Level
* Primary Disability
* MA Eligible
* MA Consent
* Providing (Serving) District Number
* Resident District Number
* Service Setting Code
* Provider's Name
* Service Type Code Number
* Type of Services
* Service Location
* Service Frequency
* Indirect Minutes
* Direct Minutes
* Services Start Date
* Services End Date
* Duration of Service
* Total Indirect Minutes
* Total Direct Minutes
* Total Minutes