====== How do I use SQL to make a custom report? ======
Super Administrators only
===== To create or edit a report through the "Write SQL statement" interface: =====
The options for "All districts", "All schools" and "All teachers" will only be available if the "student" table is present in your SQL statement.
- Navigate to the "Reporting" menu.
- Under "Custom", click the "Write SQL statement" link to create a new report, or click on the "Edit SQL" link next to the report you want to edit.
- You can change the "Report name" or the wording of the SQL statement (knowledge of SQL is required).
- Optional settings can be chosen to provide access (to this report) to specific groups of administrative users. To allow all teachers to view this custom report from their "Reports" menu, put a check in the checkbox next to "All teachers".
Be sure to click on the "Save" button when you are finished making changes.
{{ :custom_report_sql.jpg?nolink |}}