====== How do I work with a student's history forms? ====== While viewing the selected pages, you will have an opportunity to print or navigate back to the page listing, history page or forms menu. - From the "Main Menu" click on "Students". - Click on the student's name or click Quick Links - If using Quick Links, select History under Other Forms - From the "Forms Menu" click the "History" tab. - Find the history page or form that you want to view and click the "View" button. - The PDF will download to your computer, or you will then come to a page with the form's page(s) listed. Choose the page(s) you want to view and click on the "View Selected Pages" button. - To delete a history page or form, click on the "Delete" button next the name of the form you want to delete. {{ :form_history_new2015.png?nolink&600|}} * The "Date Filed" column shows the date the form was "finalized".