====== How do I use the ER Team Members / Signature page? ====== * If the District has chosen "Remove "Secondary Disability" language from Signature page" in the Administrative Preferences, only a Primary Disability selection will be available. * If the district has chosen to enable the Administrative Preference to "Show team member signatures for all evaluation reports ("Team Signature Page"), names with signature lines will be printed as shown below. * If the district has chosen to disable the Administrative Preference "Show team member signatures for all evaluation reports", signature lines will not be printed. * If you need further assistance, please contact your School District's SpEd Forms Administrator. - The signatures page is the last page of the state recommended evaluation report. - Editing the signatures page: - Make sure to select the "Initial Evaluation" or the "Reevaluation" check box and save. Signatures page shows up at the bottom. - To open the signatures page from the ER form menu. Click "Primary disability and team membership". - Edit the information where necessary, and "Save" your changes. - When the entire evaluation report is printed, this page will be printed with the evaluation report. {{ :eval_secondary_disability_new2015.png?nolink|}} {{ :eval_team_member_signatures_new2015.png?nolink|}} {{ :eval_team_members_new2015.png?nolink|}} If you need further assistance, please contact your School District's SpEd Forms Administrator.