===== How do I use the "Attendance detail" and "Attendance summary" reports? ===== Please note that attendance hours will not be listed if the student does not have a current enrollment record. The detail report will give you all attendance entries within your specified date range. The summary report will give you a total number of minutes for each enrollment record within your specified date range. - From your Administration Menu click 'Reports', or use the 'Go to...' drop down menu and select 'Admin Reporting'. - When the Reports menu appears, click the "GenEd Forms" tab. - Select either the Attendance detail or Attendance summary report. - Enter your search criteria. - Click the Search button. Search criteria will be retained. Please use the New Search button if you need to change your search parameters. {{ :attendance_gened_report_new2015.png?500&nolink|}} {{ :attendance_list_new2015.png?500&nolink|}}