Your student list provides important dates at a glance.
Green smiley faces indicate dates that appear to be entered correctly.
Red and orange faces indicate important dates have not been entered or need to be edited/adjusted (for more information, click on the appropriate face).
Blue smiley faces indicate a GenEd Student.
Grey smiley faces indicate an inactive/exited student.
You can control if you want to see inactive or “Exited/GenEd” students by checking or unchecking the “Inactive” check box.
You can limit the list to only show students you have case manager rights to (shown in blue) by checking “Managed by me” check box.
You can limit the list to only show students who are MA eligible by checking the “MA eligible” check box.
You can access quick links to available forms for each student by clicking “Quick Links” (new)
Clicking a student's ID number will take you directly to that student's setup page.
Clicking a student's name will take you directly to that student's form page.
You can sort the list by Student ID, Name, Birthdate, Eval written date or Meeting date by clicking the link in the column headings.
Clicking the “GenEd Forms” tab will show a larger list of students, including students not in special education.
You can add a new student by clicking the “Add new student” button.
You can request access to a student from the current case manager by clicking the “Find/Request Student” button.