How do I reassign a student's history to another student?

Administrators only

With the View student history report, you can search, view and manage a student's archived history records.

Frequently the source and target students have the same name. Pay close attention to the student ID numbers. Make sure you are assigning the history document to the correct student.

If you intend to completely delete one of the students when you are done, consider slightly changing the name of the student you intend to delete. This will help keep clear which student you are working with.

Reassigning Student History to Another Student

  1. Navigate to the “Reporting” Menu.
  2. Click the “View student history” button.
  3. Enter your search criteria.
  4. Click the “Update” button.
  5. Find the document in history you want to reassign.
  6. Click the “Change all” link next to the student's name.
  7. Enter search criteria (Student ID, First or Last Name) for the target student.
  8. Click the “Search” button.
  9. Find the target student in the list.
  10. Click the “Assign” button.