Table of Contents

Ensuring a Positive SpEd Forms Experience!

Supported browsers with current versions

Google Chrome (Windows)

Mozilla Firefox (Windows)

Mozilla Firefox (Mac)

Google Chrome (Mac)

Safari (Mac)

Safari (iPad)

This version is directly tied into the version of the operating system(OS/iOS) the iPad is currently running. You can only update Safari by updating the iOS.

Make sure setup has been completed on your browser

Check your setup again after updates have been applied.

NOTE: Updates may have been applied automatically or from your Technology staff.

Make sure all equipment is functioning correctly

Disable Autofill/AutoComplete within SpEd Forms

How do I disable Autofill/AutoComplete?

If you try to search for SpEd Forms, you may get the wrong site and won't be able to log in.

Make sure your computer's time is accurate

If your system time and date are off, it can cause problems calculating the time for Exclusive Rights.

Use only one browser window/tab logged into SpEd Forms at a time

If you are logged into SpEd Forms in more than one window/tab, it can cause problems with information being mixed up between students.

Data validation

We have started validating some fields to verify the integrity of their data. If you get a message box upon saving or entering a form, you have some invalid data.

The highlighted fields indicate the invalid data. Please follow the directions from the pop up to correct.

Network issues affect the use of SpEd Forms

If your internet connection drops, you may lose the ability within SpEd Forms to navigate and/or save.