How are "Exclusive Rights" used?

SpEd Forms prevents editing of a page by more than one user at a time.

If the “Save” button has a red circle with a slash through it, the page is locked by another user and you will not be able to save any changes.

New to SpEd Forms is a live checking of exclusive rights. Rights will be checked periodically on any page currently open, and a warning will appear when exclusive rights are lost for that page.

  • The most common reason for losing rights is using multiple windows, excluding print and popup windows. This is something we strongly discourage.

When you navigate to a page, you are given “exclusive rights” to that page for one hour (provided that nobody else has already begun working on the same page). As long as you continue to “Save” the page at regular intervals within that hour (we recommend saving every 20 minutes), your “exclusive rights” will be retained and you can work on that particular page as long as you want.

Information in the navigation bar keeps you informed of the status of your “exclusive rights”. Five minutes before the time that your “exclusive rights” will end, a warning will appear to inform you that your “exclusive rights” are about to expire. If you do not “Save” the page to retain your rights, the session bar will change (at the time of expiration) to inform you that your rights have expired.

If another user is working on the same student and they navigate to the same form that you are working on, they will get a popup that states:

After the other user clicks “OK”, the form will be available to them in read only format (no changes can be saved) and if they do click the “Save” button, an additional popup warning will be displayed with the same basic information.

If you ignore basic recommendations and wait longer than an hour to “Save” your work, all of your changes could be lost if another user begins working on the same page after your “exclusive rights” have expired. Please pay attention to warnings and please take note of the following examples.

Example 1

Sally opens section 5 of Johnny's ER at 2:00pm. She has “exclusive rights” in section 5 until 3:00pm. Sally “Saves” her work each time she completes a paragraph and/or completes a few lines of data (when the page is “Saved”, “exclusive rights” are reset to one hour). Meanwhile, Kim saves a form that she is working on and navigates to section 5 of Johnny's ER at 3:01pm. Kim is warned that Sally is working on that page and navigates to another form until Sally is finished.

Example 2

Sally opens section 5 of Johnny's ER at 2:00pm. She has “exclusive rights” in section 5 until 3:00pm. Sally concentrates and continues to work without “saving”. Meanwhile, Kim saves a form that she is working on and navigates to section 5 of Johnny's ER at 3:01pm. Sally's “exclusive rights” have expired so that Kim can access the page (unaware that Sally is also working on section 5). Kim now has “exclusive rights” to section 5 until 4:01pm. At 3:30pm, Sally finishes her work in section 5 and clicks the “Save” button. Since Kim now has “exclusive rights” to section 5, Sally will get a popup informing her that: Kim appears to be working on this page and the save button has been disabled. After clicking “OK” the information on Sally's page will revert to whatever Kim has saved or what is currently in the database (all of her work, since 2pm, will be lost).

what_are_exclusive_rights.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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