Before sending new 837 (claims) and 270 (eligibility) production files, MN-ITS requires your district to submit 837 and 270 test files.
Also see: Creating and Sending a 5010 837 (X12) test file.
MHCP requires all batch submitters to test for syntax errors before submitting 5010 batch transactions on or after January 1, 2012. MHCP is currently accepting only X12 5010 transactions. The first 5010 270 Eligibility batch file you upload onto the MN_ITS website must be a test file. Before DHS will give you permission to submit this type of file, the test file will have to be approved. This will need to be done for each district that you bill DHS for provided services.
Special characters such as “#” or “.” or extra spaces typed into fields such as the student's address on the Student MA Billing Setup in SpEd Forms can cause issues resulting in a file being rejected.
There are two types of acknowledgement responses