On Saturday, April 4th, 2015 an update will be posted to all monthly SpEd Forms sites. This update will include the changes detailed below:
504 Forms
1. The 504 coordinator information will auto populate from the district setup to the Complaint Procedure form.
(Source: Dorothy Eckblad, 6051: Goodhue County Education District #20671)
1. When searching the Admin educator list, the district will be displayed in the results.
(Source: Kim Huether, 0181: Brainerd School District #25539)
Emergency Health Information Form
1. A second start and end time with days of the week has been added.
(Source: Michelle Steele, 0206: Alexandria Public Schools #24216)
2. Student gender and parent contact cell phone fields have been added.
(Source: Becky Wachter McNichols, 0882-1: Monticello Public Schools #24802)
Individual Family Service Plan
1. A statement, “Discussed but there are no identified medical and other services that are needed at this time”, has been added in the needed medical and other services section on the services page.
(Source: Nancy Ellis, 0110: Waconia Public Schools #25627)
2. The special transportation section will print and finalize with the service plan.
(Source: Sue Tupy, 2905: Tri-City United #25345)
Individualized Education Program
1. The testing accommodations drop down has been updated with the recent changes in the 2014-2015 Testing Procedures Manual.
(Source: Gary Lewis, SpEd Forms #26104)
2. Alphabet quick links have been added to the top of the pop up when adding team members.
(Source: Jackie Conrad, 0271: Bloomington Public Schools #24609)
3. The ACT Compass, ACT Explore, ACT Plan, and ACT Writing have been added to the test drop down on the Assessment (State/Diploma) page.
(Source: Cynthia Pedersen, 6383: Benton Stearns Education Programs #24417)
4. The Classroom adaptations & modifications page will include the goals.
(Source: Michele Bedor, 0112: Eastern Carver County Schools #24560)
5. Check boxes to indicate a behavior plan is included have been added to the bottom of the service page. A reminder to print the behavior plans will be added to the service plan print menu.
(Source: Pauline Bangma, 6079: RRSEC #25549)
Positive Behavior Support Plan
1. The blank PDF version has been updated and is available in the forms in PDF format section.
(Source: Jennifer Musto, 0719: Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools #25941)
1. New quick reports for Referrals 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 have been added.
(Source: Rose Krick, 0206: Alexandria Public Schools #26221)
2. A new quick report named “Progress Reports with Insufficient Progress” has been added.
(Source: Ellen Voigt, 0112: Eastern Carver County Schools #25422)