Good Morning SpEd Forms Users,

We don’t have to tell you that these are trying times as educators are working with urgency to prepare for distance learning. Perhaps no group has a more daunting task ahead of them than special educators. SpEd Forms is here for you. We are working with our Advisory Committee, Special Education Directors from across the state and with Christian Shafer from Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, PA to create an Individualized Distance Learning Plan to be used in this time of distance learning. It will be out as soon as possible. Administrators will be able to choose this option to add to their list of forms with an admin preference that can be turned on or off. We will also be adding sample language provided by Rupp, Anderson, Squires & Waldspurger, PA for the PWN dropdowns addressing the Individualized Distance Learning Plan. We hope these items will be helpful to you and your staff.

Please hang tight. We are working hard to get this developed for you.