MN August Update

On Saturday, August 8th 2020, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the changes listed below:

1. The Mathematics goals sub-category of communication has been removed.
(Source: Gary Lewis, SpEd Forms DE-582)
2. The Goal category of Word Analysis has been removed and goals moved into the Reading category.
(Source: Gary Lewis, SpEd Forms DE-581)

Other Service Plans
1. A COVID-19 Contingency Learning Plan has been added. This can be turned on/off by using the administrator preference.
(Source: SpEd Forms Advisory Committee, Jamie Nord, Melissa Hanson, Michelle Cuka, Nicole Woodward, Sarah Mittelstadt, Christian Shafer and Laura Tubbs Booth from Ratwik Roszak & Maloney, P.A. #DE-600)

1. The following tests have been added to the SpEd Forms test bank: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamental Preschool-3, Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis – 3rd Edition, Beck Youth Inventories – 2nd Edition, Raven’s 2 Progressive Matrices, Clinical Edition, Kaufman Tests of Educational Achievement – 3rd Edition” and “Kaufman Tests of Educational Achievement – 3rd Edition w/ Supplemental Composites.
(Source: Gary Lewis, SpEd Forms #44200/44215)

1. MA Forms will be removing the GT modifier during the batching process to adhere to the Department of Human Services removal of the GT modifier for Telemedicine claims. You can choose to continue using the Telemedicine log to keep face-to-face services on a separate log.
(Source: Shilo Morlang, Duluth Public Schools #43626)
2. Changing the setting to 02:Teletherapy and saving the log will add the additional telemedicine required elements of mode and provider/student location. This can be changed on any service log.
(Source: Julie Stoneking, Albert Lea Area Schools #43627)
3. To accommodate the new Telephonic service from the MN Department of Human Services, these services have been added as a default to the MA Forms Services setup drop down. If your district is providing Telephonic services only, those specific services will need to be added. ICD-10 codes will not need to be added for this service. The UXTMGT ICD-10 codes will be used, if none, then UXTM codes will be used.
(Source: Shilo Morlang, Duluth Public Schools #44117)

Other Forms
1. A Stand-alone Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) form has been added. This can be turned on/off by using the administrator preference.
(Source: Gary Lewis, SpEd Forms #DE-587)

1. A “CLP services” quick report is available. This will show Contingency Learning Plan services for active students.
(Source: Source: Mark Oehrlein, SpEd Forms DE-637)
2. “Login Tracking” has been added to admin quick reporting. This will list all login attempts in the last 60 days.
(Source: Source: Mark Oehrlein, SpEd Forms DE-572)

1. Administrators with educator access can generate a multi-factor code to give to an educator for SpEd Forms access.
(Source: Michael Buswell, SpEd Forms DE-633)
2. A preference has been added to Educator setup – Profile to allow users to choose a default landing page.
(Source: SpEd Forms Advisory Committee, SpEd Forms DE-578)

1. A Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) security feature was added as an admin preference last month. This feature is off by default, and requires users to have a valid email address entered into their Educator Setup.
We have created a MFA guide that can be viewed here:
2. SpEd Forms is now on YouTube! We have a handful of training videos available and will be adding more as they are developed. You can view those and subscribe to our channel here: