After a successful pilot phase, SpEd Forms is excited to announce the continuation of our “Thursdays at Three” office hour series! After a short hiatus for the MEA conference, we will be hosting three more Google Hangouts meetings with the following topics:

October 22 — Third Party Billing: Telemedicine (led by Tonia Czech, our Third Party Billing Specialist)
October 29 — What SpEd Forms reports do you use, and how?
November 5 — Stand-Alone FBA

If you’re interested in attending, sign up at here to receive the meeting link:

Based on post-session feedback, we found that many attendees benefit from not only our SpEd Forms expertise, but also that of other meeting participants! We hope that as the meetings grow in popularity, you’ll be able to hear input and advice from even more fellow SpEd Forms users from a variety of districts and schools. 

Thanks so much to those who submitted feedback after our first two sessions– we look forward to seeing you again at our next meeting!