On Sunday, February 7th 2021, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following fixes:
1. Updated the student information page of the IEP to ensure the headers were consistent with subsequent pages.
(Source: Meghan Dobson, Intermediate School District 917 #45903)
2. Fixed an issue with the incorrect email address populating into the Student Information page.
(Source: Sue Will, IASC Special Education Cooperative #45930)
3. Ensured the correct resident district displayed and prints on the information page of the service plan for district #0001.
(Source: Heather Guzik, St. Croix River Education District #45945)
4. Corrected printing and finalization of federal setting change fields.
(Source: Sue Scully, Shakopee Public Schools #46004)
1. The parent and student address will now automatically populate when accessing the MA Parental Consent and Billing Setup for the first time.
(Source: Lisa Gluck, MN Connections Academy #DE-1129)
2. Updated the reconciliation report to ensure results were accurate when using the provider as part of the search criteria.
(Source: Marilyn Hellweg, SouthWest Metro Intermediate District #45998)
3. Updated programming to disallow educators the ability to delete logs based on their permissions.
(Source: Jennifer Cohen, Robbinsdale Area Schools #46019)
1. Made a change to the diagnosis text box on the 504 Eligibility Determination form to eliminate a fatal error if more than 250 characters are entered.
(Source: Wendy Van Batavia, Midwest Special Ed Coop. #45855)
Other Forms
1. Corrected a spelling error on the EHDI form.
(Source: Julie Schroeder, SWWC Service Cooperative #DE-1183)
2. Ensured that the PWN for Part C displayed correctly in SpEd Forms 1.0.
(Source: Jenny Berry, Rum River Special Education Cooperative #45906)
1. Fixed an error on the Admin Combined Report.
(Source: Kelly Dietrich, Indigo Education #DE-1190)
2. Fixed the grade dropdown on the GenEd Instructional Days report.
(Source: Source: Kelli Perlich, Central Public School #44045)
3. Made a change to the Educator Combined Report.
(Source: Amber Anderson, Hiawatha Valley Education #45851)
4. Teacher Workload Analysis longer returns an error when there is only one result row.
(Source: Megan Heller, Southern Plains Education Cooperative #46021)
1. Fixed an issue with viewing and creating form letters.
(Source: Carole Pankow, So St Paul Public Schools #45950)
2. Go to… page options and IEP menu is consistent between php and asp pages as well as between versions.
(Source: Michael Buswell, SpEd Forms DE-1130)
1. The Insurance information link on the MA student billing set up in version 2.0 will display properly.
(Source: Jennifer Bratsch, Lake Agassiz Education Cooperative #46047)