On Saturday, October 2nd 2021, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following fixes:
1. Corrected a drop down issue on the Transition Services page.
(Requested by: Susan O’Connor-Meyer, St. Cloud Area School District #47592)
2. Amended English IEP and translated IEPs will now be able to be finalized on the same date.
(Requested by: Shari Mensink, Owatonna Public Schools, #47527)
3. Fixed display of the Present Levels page.
(Requested by: Darla Dennis, SpEd Forms #DE-1809)
1. Updates were made to the student record transfer process to ensure MA designated history items are not transferred.
(Requested by: Michelle Lorinser, Minnetonka Public Schools #DE-1767)
Other Forms
2. Fixed an issue with the student’s second address line not appearing properly.
(Requested by: Lisa Jaroslawski, MN Transitions Charter School #DE-1873)
3. Corrected a spacing issue for drop down options on the Evaluation/Reevaluation Plan Prior Written Notice.
(Requested by: Jennifer Butts, Zumbro Education District, #47553)
4. Made a change to prevent an error when accessing the Use of Restrictive Procedures: Physical Holding for the first time)
(Requested by: Kelli Rayl, North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale ISD #47693)
5. Made a change to remove blank boxes for inactive modifications from IEP Snapshot.
(Requested by: Katie Mikla, Hastings Public Schools #47696)
1. The admin Child Count Report now returns students correctly.
(Requested by Cheryl Endres, Plainview Elgin Millville Community Schools #47509)
2. Ensured that those with a building admin account get the correct data on quick reports.
(Requested by: Terri Cairns, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools #47589)
3. The dates returned by quick reports are now Sortable and filterable.
(Requested by Julie Emry, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools #47689)
4. Made a change to accommodate Excel’s date formatting so that dates are displayed correctly.
(Reported by: Heather Murphy, North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale #47792)
5. Adjusted Admin Overview to ensure links took you to the correct list of students.
(Requested by Marla Pierskalla, St Cloud Area School #47440)
5. Admin Attendance Summary Report now filters by coop for coop admins.
(Requested by: Darla Dennis, SpEd Forms #DE-1832)
1. Fixed an error appearing when adding a Form Letter.
(Requested by: Susan O’Connor-Meyer, St. Cloud Area School District #47395)
2. Ensured the Assessment Tracker was pulling in data correctly.
(Requested by: Susan O’Connor-Meyer, St. Cloud Area School District #47428)
3. Corrected an issue with the “Use instructional calendar when duplicating attendance logs” preference.
(Requested by: Millie Pottsmith, Cambridge-Isanti Schools #47700)
4. Grade specific preference now showing the correct grades when entered in school set up.
(Requested by: Claire Stier, Bloomington Public Schools, #47817)
5. Fixed an issue when picking up records remotely.
(Requested by: Erin Wanat, Indigo Education #47819)
6. Made a change so that when the site preference to Allow MA records access for Building Admins was not enabled, the administrator MA records extended permission was not displayed.
(Reported by: Tiffany Giovanni, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools #47568)
7. Corrected an issue with the user login message.
(Requested by: Nathan Hall, SpEd Forms, #DE-1760)
8. Terms now save as they should in school setup.
(Requested by: Mark Oehrlein, SpEd Forms #DE-1831)
9. Ensured that cooperative administrators were able to view students under their permissions after a remote transfer.
(Requested by: Kelli Byrnes, SpEd Forms #DE-1850)
10. Corrected the drop down for the transporting district type field on the Student Setup page.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms, #DE-1867)
1. Made a change in v2.0 to prevent adding multiple logs when double clicking.
(Requested by: Wanda Lane, Brainerd School District #46637)