On Saturday, January 8th 2022, an update will be posted to all Wisconsin SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following updates:
1. The link on the Postsecondary Transition Plan Worksheet (I-8) to the state performance plan indicator #13 has been updated.

(Requested by: Diane McCarron, SpEd Forms #DE-2125)

ER Forms
1. Made a change to allow the entry of the ER date on the cover page of the ER without having to access the student setup first.

(Requested by: Elissa Retkowski, Milwaukee Academy of Science #48666)

1. A new quick report was added, Participation Guidelines for Alternate Assessment I-7-A.
(Requested by: Lauren Miller, Superior School District #48871)

MA Forms
1. Made a change to allow logs to be entered for services with no rates but a valid effective date.
(Requested by: Lynda Hurt, Intermediate School District 917 #DE-2111)
2. A change was made to identify inactive services when selecting the service type on the MA activity logs.
(Requested by: Tina Fredrickson, Northland Learning Center #48518)

1. Made a change to allow the automatic transfer of exited students to an inactive case manager account.
(Requested by: Kyle Erickson, Northwest Regional Inter-District Council #48555)
2. 504 Parent/Student Rights page has been converted to v2.0.
(Requested by: Mark Oehrlein, SpEd Forms #DE-2096)
3. Converted the Bulk Delete Super Admin report from ASP to PHP.
(Requested by: Michael Buswell, SpEd Forms #DE-2095)