On Saturday, March 5th, 2022, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the changes listed below:
1. Updated the Children Potentially Eligible Under Part B folder on the IFSP forms menu.
(Requested by: Lisa Backer, SpEd Forms #DE-2299)
2. An IFSP Snapshot has been created.
(Requested by: Jackie Skelly, IASC Special Education Cooperative #47909)
MA Forms
1. Services with a rate of $0.00 will display an invalid rate warning and will be prevented from being selected on the 837P claim transmission file.
(Requested by: Tonia Czech, SpEd Forms #DE-2126)
2. A change was made to allow up to eight providers to be assigned to an activity log.
(Requested by: Karen Stay, St. Cloud Area School District #48726)
3. Adding a new activity will now takes you to the activity that was just created.
(Requested by: Karen Stay, St. Cloud Area School District #48649)
4. Made a change to accommodate multiple trip adjustments on the reconciliation report.
(Requested by: Michelle Lorinser, Minnetonka Public Schools #48658)
5. Made a change to default “Autofill times in this log” when the provider’s default service is set to physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, mental health or nursing.
(Requested by: Michelle Nelson, Osseo Area Schools #48912)
Other Forms
1. Wording on the Early Intervention Prior Written Notice: Dismissal and Early Intervention Prior Written Notice: to Start or Revise an IFSP has been updated.
(Requested by: Linda Potts, Independent School District 199 #46858)
2. District assessments will now be alphabetized after being sorted by category.
(Requested by: Bryan Schmidt: Rochester Public Schools #48662)
1. A new quick report titled “Transition comments” has been added.
(Requested by: Sally Wulf, Westonka Public Schools #49220)
2. “Transition courses” has been added to available quick reports.
(Requested by: Rashelle Weicherding, River Bend Education District #49316)
3. An admin quick report titled “SIS (Imported) Enrollment Record Discrepancies Dates and End codes” is available.
(Requested by: Karen Stay, St. Cloud Area School District #49161)
1. 504 Notice of Transfer of Parent Rights, 504 Denial of Section 504 Evaluation, IFSP Family Assessment Survey – Fillable, 504 Plan Notice of Discontinuation, IFSP Transition Planning,IFSP Child Outcomes Summary, IFSP Signature Page, IFSP Summary of your Part C Procedural Safeguards, and the IFSP Menu has been converted to v2.0.
(Requested by SpEd Forms: #DE-2310, #DE-2311, #DE-2312, #DE-2303, #-DE-2293, #DE-2279, #DE-2281, #DE-2137, #DE-2101)
2. MA, 504 and RtI dashboards have been created. They are only available in version 2.0. If you do not own a module, you will not see that specific dashboard.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms, #DE-2205, #DE-2283, #DE-2301)
3. Changes were made to the trip log and print page to be more consistent with the DHS model log.
(Requested by: Tonia Czech, SpEd Forms #DE-2045)
1. In order to continue improving the program we are updating many old menus into a more modern programming language. This month we updated Custom Reports, Instructional Days Calendar, History and MA reporting- Health plans.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms, #DE-2150, #DE-2230, #DE-2169, #DE-2172, #DE-2168, #DE-2167)
2. In preparation for electronic signatures, we are enabling preferences in Admin / Organization/ Preferences. Please do not change the settings until we release guidance on their use.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-1699/#DE-1700)