On Saturday, October 1st, 2022, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following fixes:

1. Made a change to ensure all services on an IEP were considered active for them to appear on the printed and finalized document.
(Requested by: Heather Guzik, St. Croix River Ed District #51292)
2. Made a change to allow a service start date to be the same day as the service plan meeting date.
(Requested by: Megan Endresen, Columbia Heights Schools #50992)
3. Made a change to the Accommodations, modifications and supports page to ensure the page restricts by plan type.
(Requested by: Sara Pratt, Northfield Public Schools #50852)
4. Made a change to ensure the current goals and objectives indicated as ESY appear on the ESY services page and that the page will not finalize without a goal displayed.
(Requested by: Megan Heller, Southern Plains Ed Coop #50805)
5. Corrected an error on the IEP Transition page 1.
(Requested by: Katie Wilder, Mounds View Public Schools #50892)

1. Made some adjustments to IFSP validation to ensure the process navigates as anticipated.
(Requested by: Lori Dierks, West Central Ed District #50897)
2. Made a change to eliminate a date error when validating a service plan.
(Requested by: Bryan Schmidt, Rochester Public Schools #50916)
3. Make a change to ensure the meeting date appears in the dropdown when selecting a plan to report progress if there is no written date in the student’s plan.
(Requested by: (Lindsey Pellaton, Meeker and Wright Special Education Cooperative #50863)

1. Made a change on the care plan to allow it to finalize correctly.
(Requested by: Patty Geary, Fairbault Public Schools #51162)
2. Eliminated a future date error displaying on v1.0 MA logs.
(Requested by: Patricia Sullivan, Moorhead Area Public Schools #51072)
3. Made a change to allow students with no logs to display on the provider’s MA dashboard.
(Requested by: Lauren Henderson, Monticello Public Schools #50867)
4. Eliminated an error for telehealth claims on the 837P create/edit claim transmission results page.
(Requested by: Dellynne Monson, SWWC Service Cooperative #50806)

1. Made a change to allow the 504 Manifestation Determination form to open correctly.
(Requested by: Terri Cairns, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools #50779)

Other forms and logs
1. Made a change to ensure the addresses added to the Emergency health/transportation form maintain the proper order.
(Requested by: Denise Halter, St. Michael-Albertville Public Schools #51184)
2. Made a change to allow the service log to print the initial results.
(Requested by: Brittany Thomforde, Minnesota State Academies #51131)
3. Made a change to ensure the correct student age is displayed on the Emergency health/transportation information form.
(Requested by: Katie Mikla, Hastings Public Schools #51053)
4. A typo on the Manifestation Determination form was corrected.
(Requested by: Erin Hoffman, SWWC Service Cooperatives #50958)
5. Made a change to ensure the user selected for the Procedural Safeguards section the PWN, when selected from the user’s Team member list, inserts to all appropriate fields.
(Requested by: Jodi Bresnahan, Bloomington Public #50878)
6. Made a change to ensure forms will finalize without returning an error message.
(Requested by: Marcy Ager, Bloomington Public Schools #50616)
7. Adjusted the time fields on the Emergency health/transportation information form to ensure they display and print appropriately.
(Requested by: Lynne Rau, Eden Prairie ISD, #50765)

1. Updated the Assessment Tracking quick report to allow the report to run as intended.
(Requested by: Bryan Schmidt, Rochester Public Schools #51145)
2. Made a change to the Service hours report to decrease the likelihood of getting no results.
(Requested by: Karen Stay, St. Cloud Area Schools #50734)

1. Corrected an issue with the “ignore validation for interim IEPs” system preference.
(Requested by: Jennie Sorenson, Mounds View Public #51096)
2. Corrected an issue with deleting deactivated educators.
(Requested by: Karen Stay, St. Cloud Area School District #51054)
3. Changed the formatting of the State Aid category dropdown to ensure it will save the information entered.
(Requested by: Renee Hartman, New Prague Area Schools #50843)
4. Corrected an issue with educator permissions when adding new students
(Requested by: Kim Huether, Brainerd Public Schools #50719)
5. Made a change to the navigation from an Admin students search to a student’s setup page.
(Requested by: Katie Wilder, Mounds View Public Schools #50710)

1. Made a change to allow users to select codes 9998 & 9999 (Non-MN codes) as the resident district appropriately in v2.0.
(Requested by: Amy Wylde, Southern MN Ed Consortium #51230)
2. Corrected formatting issues on the Notice of Team Meeting in v2.0.
(Requested by: Elizabeth Loyevskiy Elk River Area Schools #51036)
3. Made a change to in navigation from the Eval consent back to the Eval/Reeval Plan PWN.
(Requested by: Bess Bauman, New Discoveries Montessori #50761)
4. A change was made to allow access to the PWN in other languages.
(Requested by: Jodi Bresnahan, Bloomington Public Schools #50880)
5. Updated programming to remove inconsistencies using the add team member tool.
(Requested by: Becky Wachter McNichols, Monticello Public Schools #50810)
6. Made a change to allow the ICD-10 codes to be validated and attached properly to the v2.0 MA trip logs.
(Requested by: Kyra Berggren, Hopkins Public Schools #50725)