On Saturday, February 3rd, 2024, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the changes listed below:



1. A dropdown list box on the IEP Services page was added so educators can indicate which district forms they have included with the IEP.

(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4597)

2. An every other day option has been added to the available frequency dropdown options on the Services pages.

(Requested by: Julia Salzman, Rochester Public Schools #57377)



1. The extended permission to include the ‘MA eligible’ filter has been added to the paraprofessional role.

(Requested by: Wanda Lane, Brainerd School District #58642)

2. The MA dashboard has been updated to display all students shared with the provider. A message will be displayed if the provider does not have MA access to the student.

(Requested by: Lauren Henderson, Monticello Public Schools #49570)



1. The following tests have been added to the SpEd Forms test bank: Arizona Articulation and Phonology Scale – 4th Edition, Assessment of Functional Living Skills, Clinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology – 2nd Edition, Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales – parent & teacher, Sensory Processing Measure – 2nd Edition, Test of Orthographic Competence – 2nd Edition, Test of Early Reading Ability – 4th Edition, Test of Pragmatic Language – 2nd Edition and Wide Range Achievement Test – 5th Edition.

(Requested by: SpEd Forms #58476)


Other forms and logs

1. Updated wording on the Confirmation of Conciliation Conference form to reflect the number of school days the district must provide the parent with a written memorandum. 

(Requested by: Dawn Peterson, Mid-State Education District #58116)

2. An additional column for area has been added to the student’s assessment tracker menu. 

(Requested by: Julia Salzman, Rochester Public Schools #57284)

3. The Early Intervention Prior Written Notice (PWN): Evaluation and assessment form has been translated into Spanish, Hmong, and Somali.

(Requested by: Lindsey Pellaton, Meeker and Wright Special Education Cooperative #58173)



1. Activity, evaluation and trip logs in the blank forms in PDF format menu have been updated.

(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4647)

2. Added parent account permissions to the Sharing tracking report results.

(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4622)

3. The Duplicate service dates report will prevent the deletion of claims that have been billed.

(Requested by: Tara Goebel, South Washington County Schools #53437)

4. Outdated and duplicate blank forms in PDF format have been removed from Admin and Educator reports. 

(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4687)

5. A new admin quick report titled, ”Restrictive procedures and debriefing form dates” has been added. 

(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4431)

6. The Providers without services report now includes the student status.

(Requested by: Tara Goebel, South Washington County Schools #58050)



1. A spellcheck button was added to v2. 

(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4613)

2. Added a warning to the excused team member field on the Agreement regarding IEP team member attendance form when the maximum number of characters is reached. 

(Requested by: Christine O’Brien, Independent School District 199 #58865)

3. We have renamed the Administrator MA Reports to Toolboxes, placed the eligibility and claims process in the Tools folder and included both searchable and quick reports on the Toolbox menu.

(requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4364)

4. The Notice of agreement that a 3-year reevaluation is not needed and the Parental consent/objection pages have been merged into a single form.

(Requested by: Jacqueline Budden, Marshall Public Schools #58849)

5. An update was made to the Child Outcomes Summary Form finalization process to include the EDHI form as a separate PDF.

(Requested by: Kelli Walters, West Saint Paul Mendota Heights Eagan Area #58312)

6. Added the number of messages or pick ups an educator has when viewing the profile dropdown menu.

(Requested by: Kori Ryan, INDIGO Education #58910)

7. A new navigation tool has been added to the top of each IEP page, allowing for easy access to different sections of the service plan.

(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4577)

8. The IEP Progress report, Emergency health information form, ESY Progress report, IFSP Snapshot, and the IFSP Evaluation summary pages have been converted to v2.

(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4631, DE-4633, DE-4632, DE-4650 and DE-4654)



1. A new school preference was added to send an email notice to a designated person when a restrictive procedure form is finalized.

(Requested by: Amanda Lee, South Washington County Schools #53217)

2. When a student is active but has not yet been determined to meet IEP or 504 criteria, the ‘face’ on Admin students and v1 Educator students page will be displayed in pink.

(Requested by: Whitney Weber, St. Michael-Albertville Public Schools #57879)

3. A check has been added in the history upload process to properly check if the file has invalid characters and show the failure reason in the “Upload failure details.”

(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4698)