The SpEd Forms office will be seeing some changes this month, with two retirements and two promotions. 

First, Gary Lewis will be retiring from his position as our Director of WI Services. Gary has been with SpEd Forms since its early days and co-authored the original FileMaker Pro version of SpEd Forms way back in 1993. After a decades-long career in education and administration, he has decided to retire with his last day being June 30th. However, he’ll stay on as our new goal and test bank consultant. This means he will update and write goals and assessments for users to access when writing an Evaluation Report.

Gary tells us, “I feel blessed that I can continue to have a connection with the special education community, to the product I am proud to have helped create, and to a group of people who are much, much more than just co-workers – the SpEd Forms family.” He also looks forward to riding his new e-bike and getting back into photography in his new spare time. He plans to travel the world with his wife as soon as the pandemic crisis has subsided. Bon Voyage and best wishes, Gary! 

To fill in the gap, Diane McCarron will step in as our new Director of Services on June 1st. She will be responsible for both Minnesota and Wisconsin— a promotion from her previous job as Director of MN Services. Diane has 40 years of experience in special education. We look forward to continuing to work with her! 

Also being promoted is our (now former) Information Analyst, Mark Oehrlein, who will now be our Data and Security Manager. Mark will oversee data storage and delivery and act as our HIPAA Security, Privacy, and Compliance Officer. 

Finally, on June 30th, our current goal bank consultant Mary Ruprecht will also be retiring. She has been a member of the SpEd Forms leadership team since 2008 and led the team that developed the original SpEd Forms Goal Bank. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

Plus— we’ll be announcing a new Assistant Director of Services in the near future! Keep your eyes on this blog or our social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) for updates.