On Saturday, November 7th 2020, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the changes listed below:

1. The federal settings chart has been updated to more effectively support accurate reporting of five year old students with disabilities enrolled in kindergarten.
(Source: Jackie Skelly, IASC Special Education Cooperative #44484)
2. You will now have an option to leave out the transition pages when finalizing the IEP if the student is grades Pre-K through 5th grade so you don’t have blank pages in history. This change is for the 2000 version of SpEd Forms. This was already possible in the 2020 version.
(Source: Melissa Hanson, SWWC Service Cooperatives #42754)

1. When duplicating days on an MA activity log, an option will be available to select the days of the week to duplicate. This feature is only available in the 2020 version of MA Forms.
(Source: Lauren Johnsen, Minnetonka Public Schools #39334)
2. When creating a 270 eligibility file, before processing, you will be able to enter the date to check.
(Source: Wanda Lane, Brainerd School District #43996)

1. Added the Battelle Developmental Inventory – 3rd Edition.
(Source: Hollie Pater, SWWC Service Cooperatives #44759)

1. Dropdowns for description of service delivery method and special transportation have been added so that districts can choose to add specific dropdown statements.
(Source: Kelly Anderson, Metro Deaf School #44814)
2. A checkbox titled “Changes to the IEP will be needed and are explained on the following pages” has been added to the Scenario 2: Hybrid Learning page. This was requested to help make the form clearer to parents and teachers.
(Source: Jennifer Davie, Eastern Carver County Schools #44823)

Other Forms
1. Section 5 of the Authorization for the Release of Information form has been updated. The update is designed to make it easier for outside agencies to interpret the authorization and apply it to data maintained by that agency.
(Source: Lori Lorenz, Hopkins Public Schools #44658)
2. 2020/2021 district superintendent information has been updated per the MDE website to populate into the Special Education Student Acknowledgement and Tuition Agreement form.
(Source: Kelli Byrnes, SpEd Forms #44668)
3. The ECSE Child Outcomes Summary Form will now only be able to be finalized once per date. This was asked for to reduce duplicate child ratings from appearing on the associated administrative report.
(Source: Michelle Steele, Alexandria Public Schools #39476)

1. Added an MA quick report titled “Evaluation Summary 2020-21 (1) MA Eligible Only”.
(Source: Michelle Lorinser, Minnetonka Public Schools #45083)
2. A Possible Blank CLP field has been added to the “IEP and CLP Finalization Dates” admin quick report.
(Source: Shilo Morlang, Duluth Public Schools #44934)
3. The “SIS (Imported) Enrollment Record Discrepancies vs SpEd Forms” quick report has been made available to Building and District administrators.
(Source: Lynne Rau, Eden Prairie ISD #44974)
4. A remove MA option has been added to the Admin Student Sharing report.
(Source: Amy Bean, Independent School District 318 #43633)

Admin Organization
1. Added the ability to turn off the IIIP and ISP under Admin Preferences. This change will prevent district staff from inadvertently using forms that are no longer recommended.
(Source: Kelly Rockwell, Austin Public Schools #45012)

Student Setup
1. Updated wording for MARSS Status 2 for clarity. Status 2 will now read: EC Enrolled for evaluation.
(Source: SpEd Forms #DE-888)