Have you ever wanted to put a face to the name for the SpEd Forms team members you interact with so often over emails? We’re profiling the staff who work diligently “behind the scenes” to make sure your SpEd Forms experience is smooth and enjoyable.

This week, we’re profiling Tonia Czech, our Third-Party Billing Specialist.

I was raised in a very small rural SW MN town. I have three almost all adult children, will be an empty nester next year. Our family loves to travel and with a son in the military we have visited Europe twice. Obviously love to bake. We raise our own beef, pork, and have laying hens. Many family pets. We like to garden and can our own vegetables when we have time so looking forward to doing more of all that with kids out of the house. Although the two non-military kids may stay with us while going to college.

Tonia and her family love to travel– they’ve visited Europe twice.

Tonia kindly answered some questions about herself:

What is your proudest accomplishment?
Raising three kind and caring kids. And placing 3rd for brownies and 5th place chocolate chip cookies at the Minnesota State Fair.
What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?
Something to start fire, something to play music, and a pillow.
What is your favorite book?
Haven’t read it yet.
What is one of your guilty pleasures?
The Stephanie Plum bounty hunter series.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Taco salad, pineapple, and cheesecake. You did say meal.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
“Assume positive intentions.” –Mr. Enerson, Superintendent Pipestone Area Schools.
What is your favorite way to start the day?
A cup of Cameron’s Highlander Grog sitting on the deck chatting with my husband.
What’s your quarantine hobby?