Email 5/7/19: SpEd Forms: Data Import Option


SpEd Forms Users –

One of the most under-utilized options SpEd Forms offers is the ability to import student demographic information into SpEd Forms from district student information systems (SIS). The benefits of importing student data into SpEd Forms include:

  • Each night, updated student demographic information will be downloaded from your district SIS and uploaded into SpEd Forms. Any changes in student information and any new students enrolled in the district will automatically appear in SpEd Forms the following day.
  • Importing demographic data into SpEd Forms insures the student’s name, birthdate, MARSS number, address, parents’ names, etc. match what exists in your district’s SIS. It eliminates any errors that may occur when keying this data into SpEd Forms.
  • Demographic data on all students will be imported into SpEd Forms. Students not receiving special services will be “inactive” and won’t appear on any users’ student lists. However, when a student is referred for special services, you simply active that record and all the student’s demographic information will be pre-entered into SpEd Forms, MA Forms, 504 Forms and RtI Forms.

SpEd Forms currently imports student demographic information from the following SISs:

  • Infinite Campus
  • JMC
  • PowerSchool
  • Skyward
  • Synergy

There is a first-year cost of $595 to set-up data importing from your district SIS into SpEd Forms. The following years there is a $250 maintenance and troubleshooting fee. We believe this is a small price to pay to insure the student information in SpEd Forms is up-to-date and matches exactly what is in your district SIS.

If you are interested in adding this feature, contact Kelli at our offices and she’ll make the necessary arrangements. 

Gary Lewis, Ed.D.

  PO Box 1, Jasper MN 56144                       1-866-796-1848