On Saturday, May 8th 2021, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following fixes:
1. Made a change to ensure all parents print on the student information page.
(Source: Debra Peterson, Mankato Area Public Schools #46713)
1. A change was made to ensure logs by the provider were displaying correctly.
(Source: Cindy Koziolek, Minnesota State Academies #46613)
2. Made a change to eliminate duplicate logs displaying in v2.0 of the activity log list.
(Source: Wanda Lane, Brainerd School District #46637)
3. Made a change to prevent the multiple duplication of logs if double clicking.
(Source: Wanda Lane, Brainerd School District #46747)
1. Corrected an issue with the parent address on the Section 504 Student Referral form.
(Source: Amanda Slattery, Northland Learning Center #46623)
Other Forms
1. Adjusted dropdowns on the Early Intervention Prior Written Notice to Start or Revise an IFSP.
(Source: Lynne Rau, Eden Prairie ISD #46662)
2. Made a change to ensure the Emergency Health/Transportation Information form displayed the correct student address.
(Source: Julie Stoneking, Albert Lea Area Schools #46665)
3. Fixed an address issue on the Due Process Hearing Request Notice form.
(Source: Julie Stoneking, Albert Lea Area Schools #46773)
4. Fixed a printing issue on the Authorization for Release of Information form.
(Source: Linda Kern, SWWC Service Cooperative #46790)
Student Setup
1. Corrected an issue with removing the student-only address.
(Source: Kelli Byrnes, SpEd Forms #DE-1434)
1. Applied a change to ensure all accounts had correct access according to their permissions.
(source: Pam Sullivan, NE Metro Intermediate #46508)
2. Fixed an issue with adding parent information to a new student.
(Source: Lisa LeMay, Little Falls Community Schools #46645)
3. Made a change to ensure the Transition page 1 is viewable when the preference to hide the all in one present levels is enabled.
(Source: Lori Lorenz, Hopkins Public Schools #46741)
4. Fixed an ER preference issue.
(Source: Kelli Byrnes, SpEd Forms #DE-1447)
1. Made a change to ensure the address in the MA student billing setup could be edited in v2.0.
(Source: Shilo Morlang, Duluth Public Schools #46666)
2. Made a change to ensure the educator team member list was available in v2.0.
(Source: Susan O’Connor-Meyer, St. Cloud Area School District #DE-1469)