On Saturday, January 8th, 2022, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following fixes:
1. Made a change to ensure the first outcome is displayed when using the switch student feature.
(Requested by: Renee Hartman, New Prague Area School #48892)
2. Made a change to ensure the meeting date is retained when finalizing an IFSP for a student that does not qualify.
(Requested by: Mary Margaret Mathers, Freshwater Education District #48885)
1. When using the Create/edit claim transmission “Void” search criteria, only claims designated as voided will display in the results.
(Requested by: Marilyn Hellweg, SouthWest Metro Intermediate District #47258)
2. Made a change so that the selected district on the Admin MA reporting page displays the correct district information when viewing the district setup.
(Requested by: Shauna Dall, IASC Special Education Cooperative #48749)
3. Made a change so that the name and title of the designated person prints on the PCA activity log.
(Requested by: Lauren Henderson, Monticello Public Schools #48861)
4. Made a change to ensure the provider defaults on MA logs when the service type is PCA in version 1.0.
(Requested by: Wanda Lane, Brainerd School District #47313)
5. Eliminated an error when using the Forms button on v1.0 MA student billing setup.
(Requested by: Cheryl Hince, Independent School District 192 #48738)
6. Made a change to ensure MA Logs by Provider 2021-22 runs as it should.
(Requested by: Dellynne Monson, SWWC Service Cooperatives #48904)
7. Made a change to ensure the Reconciliation report was displaying the correct claim when filtering by claims Not sent.
(Requested by: Dellynne Monson, SWWC Service Cooperatives #48598)
Other Forms
1. Corrected an error on the Manifestation Determination form.
(Requested by: Shannon Proulx, Esko School District #48750)
2. Corrected the finalization process of the Prior Written Notice/Consent form.
(Requested by: Terri Cairns, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools #48773)
1. Made a change to allow partial insurance name searches on the Student Claims report.
(Requested by: Tiffany Giovanni, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools #48797)
2. Changed the version column title to Educator version preference in the Educator List ( no disabled users) quick report.
(Requested by: Angelica Rieck, SpEd Forms #DE-2182)
3. Made a change to the reconciliation report so that the results were consistent if using the student’s last name in the search criteria.
(Requested by: Lynda Hurt, Intermediate School District 917 #48774)
1. Made a change to accommodate a preference to hide the agreement to amend and the validation of the service plan if a student previously had an amendment.
(Requested by: Melissa Wagner, Minnesota Valley Education District #48859)
2. The educator reports option has been removed for the Paraprofessional role.
(Requested by: Karen Stay, St Cloud Area School District #48758)
3. Corrected an issue when updating a school ID.
(Requested by Ashley Nelson, Moorhead Area Public Schools #48795)
4. Made a correction to allow exited students to be automatically transferred to an inactive educator account.
(Requested by: Kyle Erickson, Northwest Regional Inter-District Council #48555)
1. When typing in the ICD-10 code directly in v2.0 and including the “.” a change was made to automatically remove the character to avoid billing issues.
(Requested by: Wanda Lane, Brainerd School District #48768)
2. Made a change to the v2.0 ICD10 code setup page to ensure the order values can be changed and saved.
(Requested by: Cindy Koziolek, Minnesota State Academies #48899)