SpEd Forms: Back-to-School Training

Happy Tuesday, educators! We have an exciting announcement! SpEd Forms will again be offering a variety of back-to-school training sessions this fall. These trainings are open to all, are entirely free of charge, and are meant to ease everyone’s use of the program! 

A staff member from SpEd Forms will conduct each training for a specific audience. All will be held virtually using Google Meet, and one session of each will be recorded for later viewing on our YouTube channel. You can find further details, dates and times along with the registration form online here:

Back-to-School Training Registration

Again, there is no cost to you for these specific sessions. We encourage cooperatives and districts to meet in groups if at all possible and register as one so we can have room for everyone wishing to attend. Registration is mandatory. If you are not ready to sign up today, that’s okay! We will send out reminders throughout the summer and fall as we understand staffing may change. 

With summer just around the corner, we’re rooting for you as this school year wraps up!