Train the trainer
This one-day, face-to-face training has proven to be the most effective method to train large numbers of new users. We suggest selecting one computer savvy special education instructor or related services staff from each building to be trained as trainers. We also encourage special education administrative staff to attend this training so that they have a thorough working knowledge of SpEd Forms. Training is limited to 20 participants, each with a computer connected to the internet.
The morning session covers all the topics from the Initial Staff Training – and is exactly the training the trainers will provide their colleagues back in their buildings. The afternoon session covers topics from the Advanced Staff Training, but goes further in providing tips on how to resolve common issues new users may experience. This equips trainers to serve as the SpEd Forms ‘go to’ person in each building, minimizing calls to the special ed office for support.
Districts tell us the Train-the-Trainer model is most effective when the trainer is paired with a special education administrator when doing the building-level training. The trainer shows their colleagues how to use SpEd Forms, while the administrator answers the due process questions that invariably arise.