MN November Fixes

On Saturday, November 4th, 2023, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the fixes listed below:


1. Made a change to allow navigation to goals in other languages in v2.
(Requested by: Heather Bergstrom, Independent School District 192 #57700)
2. Made a change to ensure the save warning displays when navigating between goals.
(Requested by: Carole Pankow, St. Paul Public Schools #57714)
3. The ESY checkbox has been added to the IEP goal objectives.
(Requested by: Katie Wilder, Mounds View Public Schools #57696)
4. Made a change to ensure the preference to show the special transportation statement printed as well as the transportation explanation if entered.
(Requested by: Angela Drange, White Bear Lake Area School District #57768)
5. Service page 2 paraprofessional text areas have been fixed to show as expected on the print page.
(Requested by: Shannon Ritt, Richfield Public Schools #57815)
6. Made a change to the Goals section of the IEP to ensure data displays when measuring goals and objectives.
(Requested by: Kim Huether, Brainerd School District #57817)
7. Made a change to ensure the IEP validates properly.
(Requested by: Katie Wilder, Mounds View Public Schools #57886)


1. Made a change to ensure evaluation notes are included when duplicating an evaluation activity log.
(Requested by: Tara Goebel, South Washington County Schools #57795)
2. Made a change to ensure CTSS activity logs do not display in a student’s History folder when the Admin organizational preference “Show MA logs in History” is turned off.
(Requested by: Cori Weems, Cannon Valley Special Education Cooperative #57963)


1. Made a fix to ensure the IFSP Stand-alone periodic review form saves correctly.
(Requested by: Jennifer Krueger, Roseville Schools, #57958



1. Updated the signature section of the Medical documentation: AD/HD form.
(Requested by: Angie Augedahl, Hiawatha Valley Education #52470)


1. Fixed MA searchable report “Service minutes and group.”
(Requested by: Kris Jurgensen, Goodhue County Education District #57859)


1. Made a change to allow the v2 special transportation text to display properly.
(Requested by: Cari Grenier, Freshwater Education District #57646)
2. Made a fix to the v2 IEP finalization page to link to the correct page.
(Requested by: Bill Underwood, Anoka-Hennepin School District #57664)


1. Made a change to allow providers to display in the team selector list.
(Requested by: Dani Langowski, Twin Cities Academy #57670)
2. Made a change to ensure MA provider roles were not able to designate medical history.
(Requested by: Catherine O’Reilly, Wayzata Public Schools #57732)


MN November Updates

On Saturday, November 4th, 2023, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the changes listed below:


1. Made a change to first display the cell phone and then the work phone on the PCA plan if no home phone is entered.
(Requested by: Emma Christenson, Fergus Falls Area Special Education Cooperative #DE-4372)
2. The new Centers for Medicaid ICD10 code changes have been applied. Running the “Students with inactive ICD10 codes” will find any codes that are no longer billable.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4474)

Other forms and logs
1. A validation check has been added to the use of restrictive procedures: physical holding form and use of restrictive procedures: seclusion form, requiring a start and end time before finalization.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4382 and #DE-4376)

1. A new review function has been added to the Graduate senior report page to show graduation history.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4369)
2. An editable “Informed effective date” has been included on the results page of the Student claims report.
(Requested by: Jennie Sorenson, Mounds View Public Schools #56737)

1. Student ID has been added to the SpEd dashboard status icon.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4463)
2. The switch students button has been added to the v2 IEP goals page.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4385)

1. The SpEd dashboard has been updated to show active but not Special Education students when “Hide inactive students” is unchecked.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4383)
2. When the student’s SEES code is set to 98: Junk/Duplicate record and saved, the system will deselect the ‘active’ checkbox.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4386)

WI November Updates

On Saturday, November 4th, 2023, an update will be posted to all Wisconsin SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the changes listed below:

1. Documenting Educational Services Provided During A Disciplinary Removal That Do NOT Constitute a Change in Placement form has been converted to v2.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4390)
2. Manifestation Determination Review (I-12) has been converted to v2.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-4391)

WI November Fixes

On Saturday, November 4th, 2023, an update will be posted to all Wisconsin SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following fixes:



1. Made a change to v2 to show the “Deactivate this educator” checkbox.

(Dorothy Eckblad, Goodhue County Education District #57631)
2. Made a change to the I-4.4A. Supplementary Aids and Services form to allow more than one goal and need to be saved in v2.

(Requested by: Lauren Miller, Superior School District #57802)

3. Made a fix to the v2 IEP finalization page to link to the intended page correctly.

(Requested by: Bill Underwood, Anoka-Hennepin School District #57664)

SpEd Forms: Student filters reminder

SpEd Forms: Student filters reminder

Good afternoon! SpEd Forms often receives questions about why someone might not be able to see a student on their dashboard/student list. In most cases, this is due to filters that the educator has set. This is particularly common at the start of the school year after users have been away for the summer and filters were last applied. We have two tutorials available that explain how filters work and why they are used. We encourage you to review the following information and share it with your staff to help troubleshoot missing students on their lists.

If you are still using version 1.0, that can be found here:

How do I work with the student list filters?

If you have switched over to version 2.0, then a quick video has been posted to our YouTube page:

Dashboard filters in v2.0

SpEd Forms: School mover tutorial

SpEd Forms: School mover tutorial

It’s hard to believe that July is almost here! We hope you’ve been able to catch up with work, friends, and loved ones this summer. We wanted to remind you of one of our newer tools that can help you be more efficient this summer. Under admin reporting, “School mover” was added with our April update. Admin users with access to the grade rollover function can now search for students in a specific district, school & grade and move those selected to another building. To help you get started, we’ve created a YouTube tutorial video for this feature:
School mover tutorial

Interested in back-to-school training sessions? Find out more here:

Back-to-School Training Registration

Want to stay in the loop? We’d be happy to add you to our email list so you can receive emails just like this:

Sign up for our emails here!


We hope you’re enjoying your summer to the fullest!

WI May Updates

On Saturday, April 29th, 2023, an update will be posted to all Wisconsin SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following changes:

1. Updated the parent sections on the 504 Plan and the Notice of Conference page. A section for the district’s Section 504 coordinator was also added to the Manifestation determination page.
(Requested by: Amber Schultz, Anoka-Hennepin School District #53203/#53205/53212)

1. “Annual” has been prepended to “Meeting: date” on the I-3 team meeting cover page.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3747)

1. “Remove the ‘SpEd Forms Criteria’ button from ER Forms” has been readded to Admin Organization preferences.
(Requested by: Bonnie Barker, Boyceville Community Schools #53594)
2. The KBIT Revised, K-ABC II NU and Vineland 3 have been added to the test library.
(Requested by: Dustin Hinckley, Red Lake Public Schools #53673)

1. Updates have been made to the IEP v2 menu to display indicate ‘draft,’ ‘amended,’ or ‘amended draft’ when an IEP has been finalized and falls under one of these categories.
(Requested by: Christine O’Brien, Inver Grove Heights Schools #53363)

1 The term “case manager” has been replaced with “plan manager” throughout the Student sharing/transfer page.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3718)
2. A “Separate households” checkbox was added to the edit parents page within Student setup. When selected, forms addressed to “Dear [parent]” will generate one copy for each parent when printed or finalized. A short YouTube video was created that shows how this works:

(Requested by: Bryan Schmidt, Rochester Public Schools #52858)

3. A building column has been added to the Admin Educators search screen results.
(Requested by: Karen Stay, St. Cloud Area School District #48980)
4. If parent access has been turned on and an admin user has access to Admin educators, they will now also see Admin parents, where they can search for and update parent accounts previously created through the Parent access report.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3687)

1. With the inclusion of finalization date/time as a sorting option on the Student history report search page, the Finalized date/Time column will now appear on the result page of the report.
(Requested by: Bill Underwood, Anoka-Hennepin School District #53394)
2. A “Quick Report: IEP Finalized Draft” has been created to display Draft IEPs that have been finalized but not previously marked as “final”.
(Requested by: Bill Underwood, Anoka-Hennepin School District #52963)



We know how busy you all are, especially as the school year comes to a close. Out of respect for that, we will push our May update a week early and not have any updates in June. We wish you all the best as you finalize this school year.

MN April Updates

On Saturday, April 1st, 2023, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the changes listed below:

1. The ESY services entered on the IEP Services page will no longer be editable on the ESY Services form. They will need to updated on the IEP Services page.
(Requested by: Bill Underwood, Anoka-Hennepin School District #51849)
2. If a child service choice from dropdown #87 was selected on the IEP services page, it will populate over to the ESY Services form.
(Requested by: Theresa O’Donnell, Lionsgate Academy #51262)
3. The ability for administrators to create templates for the Additional information page of the IEP was added. This can be found under Admin Organization. Created templates can then be inserted into the Additional Information page.
(Requested by: Carole Pankow, So. St Paul Public Schools #52424)

1. Test of Auditory Processing Skills – 4th Edition and Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale – 3rd Edition were both added to the available SpEd Forms tests.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #53000)

1. Made a change in v2 to ensure the ICD-10 code attaches to trip logs as soon as one is created.
(Requested by: Kari Saarloos, Anoka-Hennepin School District #52551)

1. The plan page has been updated to update navigation (prev/next) buttons, the navigation breadcrumb trail, and fixes to the print/finalization process. Text fields now also use rich text.
(Requested by: Bill Underwood, Anoka-Hennepin School District #53001)
2. A text box for MTSS goal has been added to admin Intervention template setup.
(Requested by: Bill Underwood, Anoka-Hennepin School District #DE-3601)

Other forms and logs
1. Updated the language of page 2 procedural safeguards within all Part C PWNS.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3643)
2. Updated the signature line on the Prior Written Notice Parental Consent Form.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms Advisory Group #53065)
3. A Clear Form button has been added to the Early Intervention PWN to Start or Revise an IFSP.
(Requested by: Carole Pankow, So St Paul Public Schools #51428)
4. A general comments box was added to the Referral review and assessment determination form.
(Requested by: Jen Butts, Zumbro Education District #48106)

1. A new MA Quick report titled “Direct service claim descriptions” was added.
(Requested by: Tara Goebel, South Washington County Schools #52479)
2. Updated the View student history report to include the PCA evaluation form as a history type.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3674)
3. A searchable admin report titled “Login tracking” report has been created.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3561)
4. “Emergency Health Information finalized 2022-23″ report” has been added to available admin quick reports.
(Requested by: Bill Underwood, Anoka-Hennepin School District #52992)
5. The informed consent effective date has been added to the consent tracking MA quick report.
(Requested by: Nancy Grams, Marshall Public Schools SR #52951)
6. Finalization date column has been added to ESY Determination quick report.
(Requested by: Bill Underwood, Anoka-Hennepin School District #53285)
7. Added a District ID column to the “Time Studies” MA quick report.
(Requested by: Dellynne Monson, SWWC Service Cooperatives #53129)
8. Added drop down #87, which shows extended services information, to the ESY Services report.
(Requested by: Bill Underwood, Anoka-Hennepin School District #53233)
9. A draft column has been added to “Students with finalized Manifestation Determination forms” quick report.
(Requested by: Marla Pierskalla, St. Cloud Area School District #53090)
10. The Admin students results page will show the date of a finalized “Notice of Agreement that a 3 Year Reevaluation is Not Needed” if within the three year time period.
(Requested by: Emma Christenson, Fergus Falls Area Special Education Coop #51652)
11. A new “Parent Document Sharing” quick report has been added to show what documents have been shared with parents.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3588)
12. “District Admin Contacts (Statewide)” quick report was renamed to: “District remote transfer contacts (Statewide)” for clarity purposes.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3707)
13. “Providers without services” and “Providers with Services” were added to MA searchable reports. Providers will need a default MA service on their educator setup and have their provider ID added to the service on the service plan.
(Requested by: Tara Goebel, South Washington County Schools #53211)
14. “Age on ER date” and” Birthdate” columns have been added to Evaluation Summary 2022-23 Quick report.
(Requested by: Michelle Chuka, Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools #53071)
15. A new tool that can be found under admin reporting titled “School mover” was added. Admin users with access to the grade rollover function can now search for students in a specific district, school & grade and move those selected to another building. We have created a YouTube tutorial video to help you get started using this brand new feature:

1. The Evaluation/Reevaluation Plan Prior Written Notice, Special Education Data Sheet, Team Override and Review of Existing Data have all been converted to v2.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3579, #DE-3632, #DE-3596, #DE-3595)
2. When uploading files to History, users can now select a form date for an uploaded document.
(Requested by: Shari Mensink, Owatonna Public Schools #51695)
3. Made a change to the PCA evaluation form in v2 to allow multiple finalizations per date.
(Requested by Kari Saarloos, Anoka-Hennepin School District #53474)
4. The ability to add comments after a document has been finalized has been added to v2.
(Requested by: Amanda Lee, South Washington County Schools #52133)

1. Added a function to signed documents in history that allows a user to see the signature history and electronic signature audit trail of each signer.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3637)
2. Plan manager will now only be pulled into forms from what is chosen in Student Sharing.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3641)
3. An admin preference was added to trigger an email when a 504 Notice of discontinuation is finalized.
(Requested by: Renee Hartman, New Prague Area Schools #52250)
4. A full text editing tool was added to admin PLAAFP templates.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3644)
5. A new dropdown titled “Grade-level” was created to be associated with goals in the goal bank.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #48188)
6. Changes were made to the remote pickup process. The ignore button has been renamed to decline. Users will now also receive a confirmation message when clicking decline to ensure they do not want to pick up the student record.
.(Requested by: Emily Knutson, Stewartville Public School #52822)


We have made some changes to the Support Request entry page to increase effective communication between districts and the SpEd Forms Customer Service team. In addition, the support request entry page was converted to version 2.0. This will help us help you faster and more efficiently!

MN April Fixes

On Saturday, April 1st, 2023, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following fixes:

1. Made a change to ensure the Transition Services print page of an IEP is formatted as anticipated.
(Requested by: David Thomas, White Bear Lake Area School District #53339)
2. Made a change to ensure the Activity drop downs found within Transition Services are displaying as anticipated.
(Requested by: Nicole Doescher-Train, Hopkins Public Schools #53260)

1. Made a change to ensure the Educator reports > Services maintains search parameters as anticipated.
(Requested by: Linda Kern, SWWC Service Cooperatives #53455)
2. Made a change to ensure Admin users could access Admin reporting, if appropriate.
(Requested by: Mary McPhee, Elk River Area Schools #53253)
3. Made a change to ensure all quick reports load data as anticipated.
(Requested by: Bill Underwood, Anoka-Hennepin School District #53215)

1. Made a change to ensure provider-specific goals, accessed via Educator setup > Goals, maintain their category and sub-category as anticipated.
(Requested by: Amy Wylde, Southern Minnesota Education Consortium #53312)

WI April Updates

On Saturday, April 1st, 2023, an update will be posted to all Wisconsin SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following changes:

Other forms
1. Changes were made to the remote pickup process. The ignore button has been renamed to decline. Users will now also receive a confirmation message when clicking decline to ensure they do not want to pick up the student record.
(Requested by: Emily Knutson, Stewartville Public School #52822)
2. Spanish Version of R-1 Referral for Special Education and Related Services has been added.
(Requested by: Bonnie Barker, Boyceville Community Schools, #52974)

1. The following tests have been added to the SpEd Forms test library: Test of Auditory Processing Skills – 4th Edition and Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale – 3rd Edition
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #53000)

1. When uploading files to History, educators can now select a Form date for the uploaded document.
(Requested by: Shari Mensink, Owatonna Public Schools #51695)

1. Plan manager will now only be pulled into forms from what is chosen in Student Sharing.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3641)
2. Added a function to signed documents in history that allows a user to see the signature history and electronic signature audit trail of each signer.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #DE-3637)
3. A new dropdown titled “Grade-level” was created to be associated with goals in the goal bank.
(Requested by: SpEd Forms #48188)


We have made some changes to the Support Request entry page to increase effective communication between districts and the SpEd Forms Customer Service team. In addition, the support request entry page was converted to version 2.0. This will help us help you faster and more efficiently!