MN May Fixes

On Saturday, May 8th 2021, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following fixes:


1. Made a change to ensure all parents print on the student information page.

(Source: Debra Peterson, Mankato Area Public Schools #46713)


1. A change was made to ensure logs by the provider were displaying correctly.

(Source: Cindy Koziolek, Minnesota State Academies #46613)

2. Made a change to eliminate duplicate logs displaying in v2.0 of the activity log list.

(Source: Wanda Lane, Brainerd School District #46637)

3. Made a change to prevent the multiple duplication of logs if double clicking.

(Source: Wanda Lane, Brainerd School District #46747)


1. Corrected an issue with the parent address on the Section 504 Student Referral form.

(Source: Amanda Slattery, Northland Learning Center #46623)

Other Forms

1. Adjusted dropdowns on the Early Intervention Prior Written Notice to Start or Revise an IFSP.

(Source: Lynne Rau, Eden Prairie ISD #46662)

2. Made a change to ensure the Emergency Health/Transportation Information form displayed the correct student address.

(Source: Julie Stoneking, Albert Lea Area Schools #46665)

3. Fixed an address issue on the Due Process Hearing Request Notice form.

(Source: Julie Stoneking, Albert Lea Area Schools #46773)

4. Fixed a printing issue on the Authorization for Release of Information form.

(Source: Linda Kern, SWWC Service Cooperative #46790)

Student Setup

1. Corrected an issue with removing the student-only address.

(Source: Kelli Byrnes, SpEd Forms #DE-1434)


1. Applied a change to ensure all accounts had correct access according to their permissions.

(source: Pam Sullivan, NE Metro Intermediate #46508)

2. Fixed an issue with adding parent information to a new student.

(Source: Lisa LeMay, Little Falls Community Schools #46645)

3. Made a change to ensure the Transition page 1 is viewable when the preference to hide the all in one present levels is enabled.

(Source: Lori Lorenz, Hopkins Public Schools #46741)

4. Fixed an ER preference issue.

(Source: Kelli Byrnes, SpEd Forms #DE-1447)


1. Made a change to ensure the address in the MA student billing setup could be edited in v2.0.

(Source: Shilo Morlang, Duluth Public Schools #46666)

2. Made a change to ensure the educator team member list was available in v2.0.

(Source: Susan O’Connor-Meyer, St. Cloud Area School District #DE-1469)

MN May Update

On Saturday, May 8th 2021, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the changes listed below:


1. A subcategory of Voice has been added under the Communication goal category.

(Source: Gary Lewis, SpEd Forms #46539)


1. A preference to “Use instructional day calendar when duplicating claim lines” has been added.  When duplicating MA activity log lines, if instructional days are entered, non-instructional days will be skipped.  If the preference is enabled and there are no instructional days entered, duplication will not work.

(Source: Julie Stoneking, Albert Lea Area Schools #46107)

2. Criteria to “Hide Dupes” has been added to the Create/edit claim transmission. This is only to be used with Check for Dupes.

(Source: Tiffany Giovanni, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools #DE-1438)


1. The Section 504 Notice of Discontinuation form has been updated.

(Source: Gary Lewis, SpEd Forms #40888)

Other Forms

1. A fillable Family Assessment Survey has been added for use. The pdf version will remain available.

(Source: Tracy Tweeten-Lind, Hiawatha Valley Education District #40557)

2. The date field for “form received from parent” has been made editable on the Notice of Agreement that a 3 Year Reevaluation is Not Needed.

(Source: Samantha Clark, Hiawatha Valley Education District #46232)

3. Spanish, Hmong and Somali translations of the generic Early Intervention Prior Written Notice form have been added.

(Source: Lisa Backer, SpEd Forms #46316)

4. The default team member titles on the Part C Notice of a Team Meeting have been updated.

(Source: Lisa Backer, SpEd Forms #46452)

5. The specific school year has been removed from the Contingency Learning Plan to allow it to be used going forward if needed.

(Source: Sue Currens, Benton Stearns Education Programs #46490)

6. Wording on the Student Set-up, Student Data Sheet and MARSS Data Sheet has been updated.

(Source: SpEd Forms, #DE-1465)


1. The View Student History report has been updated to allow for direct access to PDFs without needing to visit each student’s page first. The History Type dropdown has also been updated. (Source: Duane Borgeson, Moorhead Area Public Schools #45825)

2. The View Student History report has also been added to the available Educator Reports.

(Source: Sue Will, IASC Special Education Cooperative #45989)

3. Updated the screen text on the Teacher Workload Analysis report under Educator Reports.

(Source: Kathy Zwonitzer, Centennial School District #46423)

4. The Medical Documentation form has been added to the available Blank Forms in PDF Format.

(Source: Kathy Zwonitzer, Centennial School District #46510)

5. A new quick report titled “Evacuation Plan checked on services page” has been added.

(Source: Lauren Johnsen, Minnetonka Public Schools #46816)

WI May Fixes

On Saturday, May 8th 2021, an update will be posted to all Wisconsin SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following fixes:

504 Forms

1. Corrected an issue with the parent address on the Section 504 Student Referral form.

(Source: Amanda Slattery, Northland Learning Center #46623)


1. Made a change to allow the merging of history records and eliminate an error message.

(Source: Beth Fechtelkotter, Superior School District #46593)


1. Fixed an evaluation report preference issue.

(Source: Kelli Byrnes, SpEd Forms #DE-1447)

2. Made a change to ensure the educator Team member list was available in v2.0.

(Source: Susan O’Connor-Meyer, St. Cloud Area School District #DE-1469)

Other Forms

1. Fixed an issue with adding parent information to a new student.

(Source: Lisa LeMay, Little Falls Community Schools #46645)


1. Made a change to eliminate an error when deleting a DPI record.

(Source: Mark Oehrlein, SpEd Forms #DE-1472)

WI May Update

On Saturday, May 8th 2021, an update will be posted to all Wisconsin SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the updates listed below:


1. Added a feature to update start and end dates for all service pages.

(Source: Bonnie Barker, Boyceville Community School #45205)

2. Added individual accommodation dropdowns for each subject on the Participation in State-Wide Assessments (ACT Aspire) (I-7-Aspire) form.

(Source: Beth Fechtelkotter, Superior School District #46516)

3. A subcategory of Voice has been added under the Communication goal category.

(Source: Gary Lewis, SpEd Forms #46539)

4. Removed “2020-21 year” from the Contingency Learning Plan.

(Source: Sue Currens, Benton Stearns School #46490)

Evaluation Report

1. Added a section for Primary and Secondary Disabilities at the end of the report.

(Source: Beth Fechtelkotter, Superior School District #45207)

Other Forms

1. Updated Determination and Notice of Placement: Consent for Initial Placement (P-1) and Determination and Notice of Placement (P-2) to pull the start date from the Team Meeting Cover Page (I-3).

(Source: Beth Fechtelkotter, Superior School District #46403)

2. Added Determination and Notice of Placement: Consent for Initial Placement (P-1) to the service plan menu.

(Source: Beth Fechtelkotter, Superior School District #46554)


1. Create a new quick report, “Paraprofessional Services”.

(Source: Beth Fechtelkotter, Superior School District #46648)

504 Forms

1. The 504 Notice of Discontinuation was updated.

(Source: Gary Lewis, SpEd Forms #40888)


1. End of year SEPA creation has been added.

(Source: Shane Dennis, SpEd Forms #DE-1436)



MN April Fixes

On Saturday, April 10th  2021, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following fixes:


1. Made a change to ensure the electronic signature was consistent when duplicating activity log claim lines.

(Source: Lauren Henderson, Monticello Public Schools SR# 46348)

2. Made changes to eliminate an error when duplicating an activity log.

(Source: Kelly Poppler, Belle Plaine Public Schools #46370)

3. Made a change to ensure the date will be available in the time section for all types of evaluation logs.

(Source: Lauren Henderson, Monticello Public Schools #46445)

4. Made a change to ensure the ICD-10 code was displayed for all log types.

(Source: Tiffany Giovanni, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools #46471)

5. The time has been added to the enrollment and attendance print page.

(Source: Dellynne Monson, SWWC Service Cooperatives #46482)

6. Made a change to ensure the save warning appears after marking a history item as MA in version 1.0.

(Source: Marilyn Hellweg, SouthWest Metro Intermediate District #DE-1376)

Other Forms

1. Corrected a checkbox default issue on the COSF: EHDI Information form.

(Source: Lindsey Pellaton, Meeker and Wright Special Education Coop #46371)

2. Fixed an issue with the Eval/Assessment tools not pulling into the pop up window.

(Source: Tiffany Litman, Northwest Regional Interdistrict Council #46388)


1. Changes were made to include the total hours at the bottom of the services report.

(Source: Kelli Rayl, North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale ISD  #46319)


1. Fixed an issue with administration deletion rights.

(Source: Julie Emry, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools #46364)

2. Made a change to allow navigation back to the special education menu when the plan type is changed.

(Source: Whitney Weber, Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools #46246)

3. Fixed an issue with a missing warning message when setting up an educator.

(Source: Kelli Byrnes, SpEd Forms #DE-1362)


1. Ensured that the navigation using the Prev. Page button on the student sharing menu will return you to that student’s form menu and not your student list.

(Source: Lisa Backer, SpEd Forms #46434)

MN April Update

On Saturday, April 10th 2021, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the changes listed below:


1. “Semester” has been added as an option to the service grid frequency dropdown.

(Source: Tammy Knutson, Elk River Area Schools #46347)

2. “General education classroom” has been added as an option to the service grid location dropdown.

(Source: Jodi Bresnahan, Bloomington Public Schools #46392)


1. The not eligible text on the IFSP Eligibility Determination form has been updated to indicate that, although the child is eligible the parent has declined services. This addition will allow the evaluation summary section of an IFSP to be finalized in such circumstances.

(Source: Julie Stoneking, Albert Lea Area Schools #46204)


1. OHD criteria wording has been updated.

(Source: Ivy Jorgenson, Lake Agassiz Education Cooperative #46493)


1. When adding a PCA activity log the provider will default to the user entering the log.

(Source: Lauren Henderson, Monticello Public Schools #45798)

2. An MA Criteria section has been added to the admin student search options for administrators with MA extended permissions. This will include the eligible drop down options as well as the consent criteria.

(Source: Patricia Sullivan, Moorhead Area Public Schools #45831)

3. On the student’s activity log menu if a claim line on the log is marked as incomplete, a yield sign will be displayed after the service name.

(Source: Michelle Lorinser, Minnetonka Public Schools #DE-1332)

4. The activity log pop up message label has been updated on the MA student billing setup.

(Source: Marilyn Hellweg, SouthWest Metro Intermediate District #DE-1371)

5. Telehealth has been added to the search criteria on the Reconciliation report.

(Source: Dellynne Monson, SWWC Service Cooperatives #DE-1379)

6. Date range and logs “Not finalized” have been added as search criteria on the activity log list.

(Source: Jennifer Bratsch, Lake Agassiz Education Cooperative #45977)

Other Forms

1. The Triggers/Antecedents box on the Stand-alone Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) form has been updated.

(Source: Terri Cairns, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools #46205)

2. Early Intervention Prior Written Notice: Dismissal and generic Part C PWN forms were created and added to the IFSP PWN folder.  Translation functionality will be available within the generical PWN through a future update.  Stay tuned!

(Source: Lisa Backer, SpEd Forms #46280/#46316)

3. Checkboxes have been added to the Emergency Health/Transportation Information for new, change or continuing requests as well as whether it is a general or special education route.

(Source: Beth Fechtelkotter, Superior School District #45872)

4. The Action(s) Proposed or Refused dropdown on the Prior Written Notice/Consent has been updated.

(Source: Amber Anderson, Hiawatha Valley Education #46484)


1. Added “Evaluations only” as a search option to the Create/edit claim transmission search criteria.

(Source: Lorri Gales, Central Public Schools #DE-1344)

2. Goals have been added to the “Progress Report Results for 2020-21” quick report.

(Source: Kris Jurgensen, Goodhue County Education District #46393)

3. The Bill to and Insurance drop down options have been added to the Students with Private Insurance MA quick report.

(Source: Lorri Gales, Central Public Schools #46401)


1. In preparation for electronic signatures, parent information management is being centralized to the student setup page, and can no longer be edited from other pages within SpEd Forms.

(Source: Shane Dennis, SpEd Forms #DE-1232)

2. The student pickup process is being moved to a completely back-end process. Users will not have to stay on the student list page to pick up their students, but the process will take more time. This will also help prevent issues with interrupted pickups.

(Source: Michael Buswell, SpEd Forms #DE-1288)

3. An admin preference has been added to be able to turn off or on the Prior Written Notice: Revocation of Consent form.

(Source: Mary Acosta, Stillwater Area Schools #45332)

4. “Parents” has been added to the administrator quick link options from the student list.

(Source: Shane Dennis, SpEd Forms #DE-1373)

5. Added an email check to display duplicates when entering a new educator.

(Source: Shane Dennis, SpEd Forms #DE-1378)

WI April Fixes

On Saturday, April 10th 2021, an update will be posted to all Wisconsin SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following fixes:


1. A slash has been added to form I-4.4C if the first range starts with a “0”.

(Source: Beth Fechtelkotter, Superior School District #DE-1350)

504 Forms

1. Made a change to allow navigation back to the special education menu when the plan type is changed.

(Source: Whitney Weber, Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools #46246)

MA Forms

1. Made a change to ensure the ICD-10 code was displayed for all log types.

(Source: Tiffany Giovanni, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools #46471)


1. Made a change to ensure the save warning appears after marking a history item as MA in version 1.0.

(Source: Marilyn Hellweg, SouthWest Metro Intermediate District #DE-1376)

Other Forms

1. Made a change to prevent the parent data from clearing when certain student setup’s were accessed and saved.

(Source: Amy Jones, River Ridge School District #46395)

2. Ensured that the navigation using the Prev. Page button on the student sharing menu will return you to that student’s form menu and not your student list.

(Source: Lisa Backer, SpEd Forms #46434)

Educator Setup

1. Fixed an issue with a missing warning message when setting up an educator.

(Source: Kelli Byrnes, SpEd Forms #DE-1362)

WI April Update

On Saturday, April 10th 2021, an update will be posted to all Wisconsin SpEd Forms sites. The update will include the updates listed below:

MA Forms

1. Date range and logs “Not finalized” have been added as search criteria on the activity log list.

(Source: Jennifer Bratsch, Lake Agassiz Education Cooperative #45977)

2. The activity log pop up message label has been updated on the MA student billing setup.

(Source: Marilyn Hellweg, SouthWest Metro Intermediate District #DE-1371)

Other Forms

1. Checkboxes have been added to the Emergency Health/Transportation Information for new, change or continuing requests as well as whether it is a general or special education route.

(Source: Beth Fechtelkotter, Superior School District #45872)


1. “Parents” has been added to the administrator quick link options from the student list.

(Source: Shane Dennis, SpEd Forms #DE-1373)

2. Added an email check to display duplicates when entering a new educator.

(Source: Shane Dennis, SpEd Forms #DE-1378)

MN March Fixes

On Saturday, March 6th 2021, an update will be posted to all Minnesota SpEd Forms sites. This update includes the following fixes:


1. A misspelling on the Student Information page of the IEP has been corrected.

(Source: Jodi Bresnahan, Bloomington Public School #46128)


1. Made a change to ensure a re-activated activity log in version 1.0 could still be edited and re-finalized.

(Source: Kathleen Schultz, Waconia Public Schools #46116)

2. Updated the reconciliation report to ensure the date range from and to work properly.

(Source: Karen Pyzdrowski, Hopkins Public Schools #46144)

3. Made changes on 1.0 version of the evaluation activity log to ensure the calendar icon is displayed.

(Source: Amy Bean, Independent School District 318 #46165)

4. Made a change to allow the Policy Holder/Member’s Name to be entered and saved on the MA Parental Consent form.

(Source: Lorri Gales, Central Public Schools #46179)

5. A change was made to allow the Total amount paid report to display the totals correctly.

(Source: Wanda Lane, Brainerd School District #46242)

6. Made a change to ensure that providers had access to all logs of the same service type, including telemedicine, when the preference to “Restrict activity logs to default MA service” is enabled.

(Source: Patricia Sullivan, Moorhead Area Public Schools #46261)

7. Made a change to the reconciliation report to remove the appearance of duplicates caused by the DHS response.

(Source: Kerri Whitney, Eastern Carver County Schools #46266)

8. Made a change to allow claims to display properly when customers were only using MA Forms.

(Source: Jennifer Cohen, Robbinsdale Area Schools #46294)


1. Made a change to the medication fields to eliminate a fatal error if more than the text limit is entered and saved.

(Source: Heidi Rinke, Wheaton Public Schools #DE-1269)

2. Resolved a viewing issue when a user was set up as a 504 Teacher.

(Source: Tonia Czech, SpEd Forms #DE-1297)

Other Forms

1. Corrected a formatting issue on the new Part C PWN documents.

(Source: Elizabeth Rice, Southern Minnesota Education Consortium #46186)

2. Fixed a page break issue on the Eval/Reeval Prior Written Notice.

(Source: Kyle Erickson, Northwest Regional Inter-District Council #46274)


1. Fixed an issue on the admin MCA Accommodations (All) from Finalized Plan Only quick report.

(Source: Elizabeth Ramsey, Minnetonka Public Schools #46130)

2. Updated the Services and Workload Analysis reports to correct a transposition of the direct and indirect times.

(Source: Mark Oehrlein, SpEd Forms DE-1255 and DE-1264)

3. Removed disabled user accounts from the District Admin Contacts (Statewide) and District Super Admin Contacts (Statewide) quick reports.

(Source: Mark Oehrlein, SpEd Forms #DE-1318)


1. When accessing activity logs from the Create/edit claim transmission result page you will be able to edit the log in v2.0 with no exclusive rights warning.

(Source: Michelle Nelson, Osseo Area Schools #46132)

2. Data validation regarding minutes being too high will correctly display in version 2.0 of MA Forms on the activity log.

(Source: Kris Jurgensen, Goodhue County Education District #46135)

3. Fixed an error appearing on the educator student list in version 2.0.

(Source: Jacky Mergner, Lake Agassiz Education Cooperative #46185)