How do I send a replacement batch to DHS?

When sending a replacement batch file, your “Remittance Advice” will show a “Reversal” for all of the claims in the original Batch file and the new totals will show up in the “Paid-Primary” or “Paid-Secondary” section.

Sending a replacement batch file to DHS:

  • All claims from the original batch must be sent again, even if only one claim is being replaced.
  • To find out the “Payer Claim Number” you will need to refer to the “Remittance Advice” available through your MN-ITS account. This 17 digit number is in the same line as the student's name.
  1. From the MA Reports menu, click “View batch file transactions”.
  2. Locate the correct transaction.
  3. Click the “Replace” link.
  4. Complete the “Payer Claim Number” for each line (matching it with the “CLM #”). If you have imported the 835 X12 response the number will be completed for you.
  5. After you have saved your changes, if you had to manually enter the Payer Claim Number“, click on the “Preview” button and then “Process claims”.
  6. The “Create batch file” page creates the batch file that you will upload to the MN-ITS website. Click the “Click here to download…” link, then save the (.txt) file to the folder you have reserved for MA Batch Files.
  7. You can also click the “Print” button to print a detailed table of the current transaction to keep for your records.

ma_admin_send_replacement_batch.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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