How do I add a form letter?

To add a new form letter:

  1. Navigate to the desired student's forms page.
  2. Expand the “Form Letters” section and click the “Add form letter” link.
  3. Choose a pre-defined form letter from the “Select form letter” drop down list box, or type a name in the text field for a new, blank form letter. Click “Add”.
  4. Enter the date and any other information.
  5. Edit the body of the form letter as needed.
  6. Click “Save”.
  7. Click the “Print” button to print the form letter.
  • The body of the form letter works the same as an ER section in Design mode. Be sure to follow the copy and paste guidelines.
  • You can add tables to the form letter just like you can in an ER section.
  • If you have a really great form that everyone could use, your system administrator can make form letters available to all users!

add_a_form_letter.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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