Managing Templates for ERs, Tests and Criteria

Super Administrators only

Administrators can create and edit ER Forms Templates, Tests and Criteria that are specific to the needs of your users.

Add a Template, Test or Criteria

  1. Navigate to the Administration Menu.
  2. Click on the “Organization” button.
  3. Click on “Evaluation templates”.
  4. Choose a specific type or category: “Templates”, “Tests” or “Criteria”.
  5. Type a name next to “Add New…”.
  6. Click the “Add” button.

Edit a Template, Test or Criteria

The characters CHLD will be replaced with the student's first name when this template is imported/pasted into the teacher's evaluation report.

  1. Navigate to the Administration Menu.
  2. Click on the “Organization” button.
  3. Click on “Evaluation templates”.
  4. Choose a specific type or category:
  5. “Templates”, “Tests” or “Criteria”.
  6. Click on the Template's name or the “View” button next to the template's name (if you are editing an entire “Template” you will also have to click on each of the individual sections that you want to edit).
  7. Make changes as needed
  8. Click “Save”.

Remove a Template, Test or Criteria

Be careful when using the copy & paste feature to transfer text from a word processing program, like Microsoft Word, to your SpEd Forms templates.

  1. Navigate to the Administration Menu.
  2. Click on the “Organization” button.
  3. Click on “Evaluation templates”.
  4. Choose a specific type or category:
  5. “Templates”, “Tests” or “Criteria”.
  6. Click the “Delete” button next to the Template's name (if you are deleting an entire “Template”, all the sections of the template will be removed).
  • Tab characters will not be recognized in the web browser
  • The (Courier) font used in classic Text Mode is spaced much differently than proportional fonts like Arial or Times. For example, if you are not using “Design Mode”, you may want to change the font to “Courier” in your word processor, then find & replace all tabs with several spaces, then add or delete spaces to realign columns.
  • If you are using Design Mode, be sure to follow the copy and paste guidelines.
admin_er_templates.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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