How do I view and print Activity or Trip logs and AT Claims?

To View and Print Activity/Trip Logs and AT Claims:

  1. Navigate to the MA Reports menu.
  2. Click on “Student claims”.
  3. Enter your search criteria.
  4. Click the “Search” button.
  5. Click on “Activity Logs”, “AT Claims” or “Trip Logs” to create, view, edit or print the student's claim information.
  • The number in parenthesis just after the student's name represents the students' total number of claims entered.
  • If you navigate to the student's Billing Setup or to their Activity/Trip/AT Claims menu, you can make any necessary changes and then click on the “Back” button to return to this menu.

ma_admin_view_print_activity_trip_logs.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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