How do I put a form into history?

Many forms can be stored in a student's history for future reference. They include:

  • Prior Written Notice / Notice of District's Proposed Action or Denial
  • Notice of Educational Evaluation/Reevaluation Plan
  • Notice of a Team Meeting
  • Agreement Regarding IEP Team Member Attendance
  • All pages of the Evaluation Report
  • All pages of the Individualized Education Program (IEP)
  • All pages of the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
  • All pages of the Individual Interagency Intervention Plan (IIIP)
  • Periodic Review (IIIP)

Creating a history page for a student

  • If you are creating history from one of the service plans (IEP, IFSP or IIIP), you must first “Validate” the form. When you click the “Validate” button, your form pages will be checked for required fields and/or inconsistencies. If an issue is found through the validation process, you will be given the opportunity to change those fields before you follow through with “Finalization”. Make any changes as needed to satisfy the validation process.
  • Once the “Finalize” button is clicked, a copy is made of that form and can be viewed by clicking the “History” tab on the forms menu . The current information, or “working copy”, of the original form is not changed.
  1. From the “Forms Menu”, navigate to one of the forms listed above.
  2. Make sure all information has been “Saved”.
  3. At the top of each of these form's menus, you will notice a “Finalize” button.
  4. Click the “Finalize” button.

put_form_in_history.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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