How do I add criteria to an existing ER?

ER Forms includes a data bank of criteria for each disability. Your school district or service cooperative can also add criteria.

  1. To insert a criteria template, navigate to the ER section where you want it to appear.
  2. Be sure to start by placing your cursor on a new line by pressing “Enter” where you want the criteria to appear.
  3. You can choose either “SpEd Forms Critera” or “Local Criteria”.
  4. From the Select Criteria pop-up window, click the title from the list of available criteria.
  5. The criteria will be copied to the ER section at the point where your cursor was located. It can then be edited as needed.

If you need further assistance, please contact your School District's SpEd Forms Administrator.

add_criteria_er.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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