How do I go to a student's forms?

Watch a tutorial on YouTube

  1. From the “Main Menu” click “Students”.
  2. Click on the student's name or click Quick Links for a list of commonly used forms.
  3. This will take you to the forms menu for that student. This menu lists all the forms available in SpEd Forms including the IEP, IFSP, IIIP, Evaluation Report and many other additional forms.
  4. To navigate to a form, click on the form's name. You will be taken either to the form or, in the case of multiple-page forms, a listing of the pages within that form.
  5. You can see other forms, like MA Forms or a student's form history by clicking one of the white tabs.
  6. If a form is available in other languages, you can click the appropriate language button.
  7. Question mark buttons will open a guidance document to help you fill you the form.
get_to_student_forms.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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