How do I create an enrollment record?

  • Enrollment records are required to be entered in order to use the administrator and educator Attendance reports. Each record is a 'fence' around the number of attendance, membership, and service hours that are entered.
  • There can be multiple enrollment records per year. Attendance, Membership, and SpEd hours will calculate for each record based on the status start and end dates.

If you do not have this option, contact your administrator to modify your permissions.

  1. From your student list, click on the student's name.
  2. Scroll to the 'Enrollment and Attendance' section of the form menu and select 'Enrollment'. Click 'Add enrollment record'.
  3. Enter the Status start and end dates, change any information that needs to be updated on the record, then save.

  • You may see a 'Not an insrt. day' message if your administrator has not entered the district calendar or if status start/end date is not a school day.
  • Do not delete previous year's enrollment records. The enrollment record is the controlling factor for the attendance and membership hours when creating reports.
attendance_enrollment_record.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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