How do I print forms?

Be sure you have correctly set up your browser before printing.

  1. Save the form.
  2. Click the “Print” button in SpEd Forms.

DO NOT use the “Print” command from the “File” menu.

Special instructions:

  • PC users can use the CTRL + P keyboard shortcut.
  • Macintosh users will see a “Print Preview” page before the form prints. After clicking the “Print” button in the SpEd Forms navigation bar, use the browser's File/Print feature (if a print dialog box does not come up automatically) or use the COMMAND (open apple) + P keyboard shortcut.

Printing the entire IEP, IFSP, IIIP, ER

  • Users can print all the pages of service plans instead of printing each page individually.
  • You can use the “Select/Deselect All” check box to quickly choose all the sections.
  1. Navigate to the “Forms Menu” of the appropriate student.
  2. Click on one of the service plans listed above.
  3. Click the “Print…” button (directly under the service plan name/student's name).
  4. A new window will appear with check boxes next to each form section.
  5. Select the section(s) you want to print by placing a check in the box by the section description.
  6. Click the “Print Selected Pages” button.
printing_forms.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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