How do I set up student billing?

Student billing setup

Fields shown in red are important for third party billing. You can continue to use MA Forms if some of this information is missing but the MA billing administrator cannot bill for services until all of the required information has been completed.

  1. Navigate to the MA Forms menu.
  2. Click on “MA Billing Setup”.
  3. Fill in as much of the billing information as you can for this student.
  4. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes and navigate back to the MA Forms menu by clicking on the “Form Menu” button.

The state should only be 2 characters (MN)

Relationship under Parent/Primary Policy Holder Information will be either 18: Self or 19: Child, either one is fine.

ma_forms_student_billing.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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