How do I search for students?

  1. Enter search criteria. Click the “Search” button.
    1. To review the features of the search box, go here.
  2. Once the search is complete, you can edit the student's demographic/MARSS information or ID, reassign the Case Manager, and (depending on your permissions) view, edit or delete student records.

When viewing multiple students:

  1. Enter your search criteria
  2. Click the “Forms” button next to the student you want to view or use the “More” button drop down.
  3. When you are finished viewing or changing that student's record, use the “Go to…” drop down menu to navigate back to the “Admin student” list.
  4. This will bring you back to the Student List and automatically display the results of your last search.

You can use any of the available search criteria to narrow or broaden your search. The first and last name do not need to be exact or case sensitive. If only “Ken” is entered in the “first name” field, for instance, your search will reveal any student who has the letters [ken] in the first name like Ken, Kendall, Kendra, Kent, or McKenna.

Prior to 1/1/06, the IEP Manager could delete student records. If the student you are searching for does not appear and you suspect that the student may have been deleted, look in the “Students not assigned to an IEP Manager” Report.

When the IEP Manager deleted a record, it would remain in the system until the Administrator permanently deleted it or reassigned a new IEP Manager. For this reason, if a record had been deleted (for example, because of a misspelled name), you won't be able to re-enter that student ID until it is permanently deleted.

features_search_students.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/20 16:23 by sped_forms
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