How do I use the "Attendance detail" and "Attendance summary" reports?

Please note that attendance hours will not be listed if the student does not have a current enrollment record.

The detail report will give you all attendance entries within your specified date range. The summary report will give you a total number of minutes for each enrollment record within your specified date range.

  1. From your Administration Menu click 'Reports', or use the 'Go to…' drop down menu and select 'Admin Reporting'.
  2. When the Reports menu appears, click the “GenEd Forms” tab.
  3. Select either the Attendance detail or Attendance summary report.
  4. Enter your search criteria.
  5. Click the Search button.

Search criteria will be retained. Please use the New Search button if you need to change your search parameters.

using_attendance_reports.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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