How do I use the Combined Report?

The Combined Report

You can export the report to a file by clicking the “Save to File” link. A comma separated (CSV) file will be downloaded to your computer. You can open the downloaded file with Excel or any other spreadsheet program.

  1. Navigate to the “Main Menu”.
  2. Click the “Reports” button.
  3. Click on “Combined report”.
  4. You can constrain the report by using the “Show students” drop down list to only show:
    1. Students managed by you
    2. Students receiving services from you
    3. Students shared with you
  5. You can also sort the report by setting the “Order By” drop down list criteria if you want.
  6. You can also sort the report by setting the “Show start date from” drop down list criteria if you want.
  7. Click the “Update” button.

combined_report.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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