How do I use the "Active student count (by school)" report?

  1. From your “Administration Menu” click “Reporting”, or use the “Go to…” drop down menu and select “Admin Reporting”.
  2. When the Reports menu appears, there are two selections at the top, “Searchable” and “Quick”. This report is a “Searchable” report.
  3. Click “Active Student Count (by school)” to run this report.
  4. Enter your search criteria by District, Coop or School.
  5. Click “Search”.

The “Active Student Count (by school) Report” will give you the following results:

  • School ID number
  • School name
  • Number of active students by school
  • Total number of active students

reports_active_student_count.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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