How do I import student records when the student ID number is already in use?

A user may try to “Pick up” (import) a student's records from another SpEd Forms server and get a warning about the student's ID number already being in the system. This can happen when a student transfers away from your district, then returns at a later date. There are several ways to handle the situation:

Don't import the record. In many cases, the records haven't actually changed so the student only needs to be re-activated.

You could update the middle zeros to old in the ID number to keep things clear.

Merge the existing and new records:

  1. Have the case manager click the “Pickup” button on their student list to begin the pickup process. If the student ID already exists, you will be notified and you can modify the ID slightly. ie. using a “Z” for some of the numbers.
  2. Click the green check mark to confirm the ID and pick the student record up.
  3. Have the case manager determine which record should be retained.
  4. Merge the history from the record to be discarded to the retained record.
  5. Delete the record you do not want.

features_pickup_remote.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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